The wind of changes

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The wind of changes,
Sometimes it cleans up your tears,
Sometimes it makes you fall deeper to your pit of thoughts,

The wind of changes,
Might sound scary as sometimes it is,
Might sound exciting as sometimes it is,

The wind of changes,
Might make things unknown,
The things you once knew so well,

The wind of changes,
Might make you jump out of the dark side,
Make you so happy and joyful,
Wishes getting fulfilled,

The wind of changes,
Might speed up everything,
Might make the world go slow,
Doesn't matter, where you go,

The wind of changes,
Might come faster than light,
Might come slower than a snail,
Who knows, how fast it goes?

The wind of changes,
What if it brings darkness?
Or what if it brings joy?
All we know is that it brings us chances.

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