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It...was a situation Y/n had not really thought about.

To begin with, Y/n had not even expected it. But really—what could even be predictable when it came to a puzzle like Aristidis? Could Y/n really have foreseen this coming? In a way, he had weaved himself into the very center of the game's dynamics; and had essentially replaced his sister in the Crown Prince's route with himself.

Only it was slightly different. Aristidis didn't show any slight bit of obsession—but merely affection. Whatever Angelina and him had in the game..was extremely different compared to now.

Surely, Aristidis wouldn't be..any sort of yandere, would he?

Y/n had not known what to reply to that sudden declaration: he had accepted Aristidis's gift with a embarrassed thank you, and had immediately bolted off. Thankfully, the Crown Prince did not follow him; and merely gave an amused smile. Y/n had stayed quiet in the carriage ride—all the way from the city square, back to the manor.

No. This was now out of his control, Y/n realized, he had been so carried away with the plot, and now..

He found himself entangled in a complicated web of emotions and uncertainties. Y/n's heart raced as he stepped out of the carriage and made his way through the grand entrance of the manor. Each step felt heavy—and his mind had never been so...conflicted before.

A rather..sudden development.

He had always admired Aristidis, both in the game and in real life. The Crown Prince had an undeniable charm and charisma that drew people towards him—and of course, dazzling looks. Y/n could grudgingly admit the interactions they shared..weren't too bad, altogether. Though brief, Y/n

As he entered his room, Y/n closed the door behind him and leaned against it, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. His mind replayed the events of the day, trying to make sense of it all. Yet in the midst—came a loud sound, seemingly ringing in his head.


Y/n immediately jolted back, his heart thumping against his chest.

What was that?

[Welcome, new player.]

Now it was growing increasingly loud; and Y/n couldn't deny now that there was a voice in his head, and it wasn't his own. That thought should have filled him with worry; but a tiny part of Y/n expected this. It truly wasn't the full otome game transmigration experience without the help of a system, was it?

[You recovered exceedingly fast.]

The voice was feminine, and soft. It sounded like it came from a real person—and not a metallic robot.

Y/n's eyes widened as he tried to comprehend the situation. He had heard of cases where players were transported into virtual worlds, but to have an actual system communicating with him was unnerving.

"Who... Who are you?" Y/n whispered, cautiously, his voice trembling slightly.

The voice responded promptly.

[I am your Personal Guide, designated to assist you in navigating this new world. You can call me Iris.]

Iris? Y/n thought. The name seemed fitting for a guide in a fantastical realm.

[You don't seem too surprised.]

Y/n furrowed his eyebrows, rolling his eyes at the absurd question. "I am. Perhaps I did a good way of masking it, then. But after being transported in a game, I was more surprised there wasn't a system in place. It makes me more relieved my transportation is now accounted for."

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