i. two - alliah vs dangerous words

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words : 3396

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two years later...


to the relief of the whole class, the school bell rung, announcing their dismissal.

in an instant, students rose from their desks and practically bolted out of their classroom, their nerves disapparated after the hefty pop quiz they had just taken. only one student remained in her seat.

alliah stared down at the half-empty page on her desk, her face contorted in concentration. in the past hour, all she'd managed to get down on paper was her name, the date, and a few circled answers of the multiple choice portion of the quiz - all of which she had blindly guessed the answers of. now, she was only just starting on the second half - everybody's worst nightmare : the short answer portion.

she stared at the first question, her eyes squinted. she knew full well she knew the answer to ace the coming questions - if only she could read them.

but that was hard to do when the letters refused to stay put, bouncing around and dancing like it were nobody's business. she wanted to strangle them and wring them by their necks, just wanting them to stay still long enough for her to somewhat understand what they were asking of her - but she couldn't and they wouldn't.

she braced herself for a lecture when she heard the familiar wheels of her latin teacher's wheelchair roll over to her. he stopped in front of her desk. she refused to look up, her head hung low in shame.

"i'm sorry, mr. brunner." she muttered quietly.

"what for?" her teacher asked.

she flipped the paper face-down and pushed it forwards to him, her eyes still refusing to meet his gaze.

"i'm all done..."

she froze as he took the paper and flipped it upright, reading its contents quietly.

"miss jacinto, you've only answered the first portion of the quiz."

"i forgot to study." she lied. she had studied - or at least tried to. "i'm sorry."

"you and i both know that's a lie." he hummed, lowering his glasses - ironic, alliah thought as she observed him under her eyelids - to review her work.

"no, i..." she sighed. "i just..."

mr. brunner set the paper down.

"look up, miss jacinto."

alliah did as told, her eyes glazing over, struggling to hide the incoming tears she felt about to pour.

she was frustrated - that was an understatement.

"there are twelve greek olympians." brunner recited the first question on her paper. "who was demeter the goddess of?"

alliah hesitated, but eventually answered.

"she was the goddess of harvest and agriculture, sir."

"is, miss jacinto." brunner corrected politely. "she is the goddess of harvest and agriculture."

"is." she repeated.

"and hermes?"

"trade and travel."


alliah paused.

"she was..." she cleared her throat. "is - the goddess of love, and beauty."

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