i. three - "i'm not on shrooms, the monsters are real i swear!"

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the first time she saw it was in the comfort of her not-so comfortable room.

she had roomates - five other girls that had been crammed in there with her - but on a saturday, they were all outside living social lives - something alliah jacinto did not have.

when she saw the winged beast, she thought she was hallucinating.

it was a mighty looking thing - big and black with a stoic stance as it stood above the distant hill. alliah had been used to seeing horses run around that hill considering the home was located right beside a farm. but her apathetic reaction to it quickly turned into confusion when she saw the large black wings arise from its sides, flapping in the wind as if it were about to take off. its dark mane flowed in the wind alongside its wings and though it was so far away from her view, she felt as if she could see it ten times zoomed in.

a horse with wings? she wasn't sure what farmers kept on their yards but she was very sure they didn't keep those around - seeing as they don't exist, or aren't supposed to.

'pegasus' was the first word that came to mind when she saw the winged creature - she'd learned about them in brunner's class.

brunner's latin classes were always a little odd to her. aside from teaching them the language, he'd dwell deeper and sometimes off-track. he would suddenly go off into talking about greek mythology - something alliah had always thought had little business in the language of latin.

but his stories and lessons about greek mythology always seemed to be the ones that actually had her intrigued and interested - sometimes it even seemed as if brunner wasn't really teaching his class about it, but just her.

she'd thought those mythological creatures he talked about were always fascinating but they were always just that - mythological.

so to say she was baffled upon seeing one outside her window, was an understatement.

but she chose to ignore it - she had to have just imagined it. right?

but it was beginning to get difficult for her to ignore it. especially when another one of those creatures turned up at her school, but this one wasn't a pegasus.

she had been sat in the library, her head bowed and seemingly concentrated on the novel their english teacher had assigned them to read. without her teacher's knowledge however, she was reading the thirteenth issue of the guardians of the galaxy comic series she had knicked off the shelves of the comic section, hidden between the pages of moby dick.

she had rather been reading - or skimming through the impressive visual and non reading-required panels - about intergalactic space heroes than some whale whose only true crime was an unfortunate name.

she was halfway through rocket raccoon assembling some new fancy gun that no raccoon with rampant anger issues should ever have hold on, when she heard it.


"alliah jacinto, come forward..." she heard the whispy and eerie voice call out. "come forward and claim your fate...alliah jacinto...daughter of the gods...come forward..."

her head whipped up from the book, scanning around the room for whose voice that belonged to. she observed the looks on the other students' faces - none of them seemed to have heard what she had.

disturbed and a little worried, she set the book - and comic - down on the table and walked over to her teacher, mrs. totts.

"miss, may i go to the bathroom?" she asked the woman, whose back was turned, quietly.

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