Chapter Twenty Nine

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Rody laid next to Vince, having him held in his arms as he slept. It was just a peaceful night, and they were both tired after work. Except, something was bothering Rody, heavily.

It was Manon.

He'd had another run in with her silhouette, but at this point Rody was pretty positive it was her ghost.
He couldn't help but feel like she was trying to tell him something, trying to warn him, or save him.

It was driving him mad.

He was beginning to think Vince may have something to do with her death again, but that was crazy, right?
Vince would never hurt Manon, he would never kill her.

But then again, her parents and their lawyer showed up, on multiple occasions. Something didn't feel right.

Something was wrong.

Rody had to figure out what was going on, and the best way he could think of doing it, was by checking the freezer at work.




Vince was busy watching the chefs, making sure they didn't mess anything up, like he always did.

Rody had just finished serving the last of his customers, and went into the kitchen. He needed to see what was in that freezer, but he couldn't when Vince was standing out there, watching.

If he didn't look in that freezer he'd lose his mind, but he couldn't do it now, it would be too risky.

He'd have to wait till later, after hours most likely.

He couldn't remember if he still had Vince's freezer key, he thinks he did, but he wasn't sure. He'd have to check, and if he didn't- he'd just steal the spare he knew Vince had in his office.

He really hoped Vince didn't get upset at him for breaking into the freezer, he was just doing this out of curiosity, and to make his mind calm down.
He didn't want to upset Vince, and he didn't want to tell him about his thoughts since that might ruin their relationship.

He trusted Vince, he knew he trusted Vince. But, he still needed to know. He still needed to look.
If he didn't, then his mind would surely eat away at him, and that silhouette would continue to haunt him.

Was it a silhouette though? Rody wasn't sure anymore. Manon was dead, so whatever this thing was- wasn't just a figment of his imagination. It was Manon. In a way that is.
Rody could sense it was her, and she knew he knew.

She knew, and she was taunting him. Either that, or she was trying to warn him of something.

That thought just freaked Rody out even further, if she was trying to warn him, what was she warning him of?
Rody didn't want to believe she was trying to warn him of Vince, he loved Vince, and he fully believed he'd never do anything wrong.

But he could tell something wasn't right, and he needed to find out what it was.

Rody walked over to Vince, and placed a hand on his shoulder, getting his attention.
"Do you need some, Rody?" Vince asked, tilting his head slightly as he looked at Rody.

"Ehh-.. not really.. just wanted to say hi I guess." Rody said, pulling his hand away from Vince's shoulder.
"But I also- was wondering.. if you could tell me what kind of meat you have in the freezer?" He added, deciding he really couldn't wait that long to find out what was in the freezer.

Vince paused for a moment, why was Rody asking him this? Was he starting to doubt Vince or something? Or was he just curious?

Either way, Vince knew he couldn't stand there silently, it would make him seem suspicious.

"Just pork today, since it's what's on the menu." Vince explained, humming quietly. He wasn't lying, all that was in the freezer was pork and a few other meats, nothing more.

He didn't have Manon's meat in there, and was positive he hadn't left anything of hers in there.

He knew Rody was curious, he could tell. But he had nothing to worry about, since there shouldn't be any evidence of what he did in the freezer.

"Really? Do you only have whatever meat is used for each day's menu stored there?" Rody asked, tilting his head curiously.
Vince nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't mind Rody's questions, but he was cautious of them.

Rody sighed, feeling a little bit better. He didn't like thinking about Manon since he was with Vince now, but her silhouette was haunting him, so he couldn't just not think about her.

He trusted Vince, but he knew if he wanted to get rid of his doubtful thoughts, that he'd have to also trust himself.

He would check in the freezer later that night, and then all this would be solved, and then he could just be happy with Vince.



[Really tired rn so this chapter is short, but I did manage to get it done- so yay me! Anyway, I am so sorry for how long this story has become- I hope you guys enjoy it though. Only a few more (it's 2) chapters left before I wrap this up!]

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