i. four - percy jackson's ultimate betrayal

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words : 4196

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when alliah awoke, she was no longer at westdale public school.

the last thing she remembered was following her latin teacher into a classroom...and then that was it. she must have blacked out at some-

her face scrunched up in a horrified look all of a sudden.

had brunner done something to her?!

she looked around herself. she was in a very unfamiliar setting.

a scratchy yellow blanket had been draped over her body as she lay in a small and thin bed. she was in an unfamiliar room in the dark so she couldn't make out much of the details in her surroundings.

it was night - she could see the dark sky full of stars from the two windows by the foot of her bed. in the dim setting, she could see a few other empty beds around her. a smell of sweet nectar of some sort hung in the air.

where on earth was she?

"don't worry, you didn't get kidnapped." a voice suddenly spoke, startling alliah. she whisked around, the blanket tangling around her legs, to see where the voice had come from. "well, actually, that's debatable maybe..."

a young girl stepped out from the open doorway a few beds down from alliah.

she held a lit lantern in her hand, illuminating her face.

she had long locs of dark braids, dark and fair skin, chocolate eyes, and plum lips that were formed in a small smile - an attempt to look welcoming. she was dressed in an orange tee shirt with some writing engraved on its front that alliah couldn't read properly.

she would've taken a second to note that she was quite pretty - if she didn't look so damn suspicious in that moment.


"and don't worry, you weren't drugged either..." the girl hesitated for a second. "or actually, i'm not too sure about that either. you'll have to ask chiron about how he got you over here without you being conscious..."

"who the hell are you?" alliah finally gained the volume to her voice back. "where am i? who's chiron? what's going on?"

"i'm annabeth chase." annabeth walked forward, the lantern hanging dangerously close to the fabric of the bed beside her. "you're at camp half-blood, chiron is the guy who brought you here and the camp's activities director, and right now you're interrogating me is what's going on - but that's okay, you're a lot calmer than the usual kids we get so i'm not offended, don't worry."

"stop telling me not to worry." alliah gasped, sitting up and untangling her legs from the blanket. "i'm sitting here in this random place i've never been in before in some apparent camp and apprently i've been brought here by some chump named chiron - don't tell me not to worry from that. where's mr. brunner?"

"mr. brunner...?" the unfamiliar girl thought for a second. "ohh, brunner, right! that's chiron."


"ah, miss jacinto, you're awake." another voice chimed in, this one familiar. "good to see, i was afraid i used too much chloroform..."

alliah watched as mr. brunner's face peered from behind annabeth, entering the room. he rolled forw-

alliah screamed.

his wheelchair was gone but in its stead was a-

"horse!" she shrieked. "mr. brunner! you're a- a-"

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