❄️So Far Away❄️

40 4 2

Creativity: 15/15

The creativity of the story is very interesting to read about. It's definitely different but very creative because you are dealing with two people and points of view, and I think that's interesting.

Originality: /1515

Like from the way that the story is very necessary, something that I have not read. It's a love story, but in its own little way, and it's the uniqueness that makes it so original and so different because you start off as the girl you go over, and you're at a different point of view, which is the boy. You get to see their different ways of living.

Storytelling:15 /15

Stormtowns was determined to me. I said that the storytelling is different and interesting because, to me, it's almost like you're reading a diary of two different people and what they're experiencing. And you're wondering if it's going to end up as love, if it's going to be a lust thing if it's just a crush, all these things that you're wondering through the storytelling.


I really love the characters and how they were. I love how they reunite. They're different. They had. Their own personality. They had their own struggles. They had their own way of life and were all like-hearted, so it wasn't like a straight-up. You're used to type characters, which I can appreciate about this story.

Story Flows: 15/15

Did you not see any grammar errors? Everything flowed very nicely. Everything sounded very nice. I didn't see any sent structure that was out of place or anything that didn't belong.

Cover Design: 15/15

I did feel like the cover and story represented each other very well. It was beautiful.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

At the end of the day, I felt like the story was a very lovely story. It was about love. It was about finding love, and I love stories like this. I didn't think it was overly dramatic or overly done. I thought that the author did a very good job with the story. Once again, it's the story that isn't really recognized a lot. And I think that what frustrates me about stories like this is because they're such good stories. But because of Wattpad, it's such a big dynamic. Bigger stories are getting noticed, and the small stories are being left in the dust. And for me, I feel like this story needs its recognition.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:  100

Summary of the book: 

Based on a TRUE STORY.Scarlet Baker, a country girl 👢 from Louisiana stumbles across a boy who followed her on Wattpad. Impressed by his cute facial features she decides to text him but she doesn't get a better reaction instead she gets the most perfect reaction.This is the story of two strangers thousands of miles apart falling in love from being strangers to besties all using online platforms but ultimately their affinity faces some challenges both internal and external. Battling with their own demons and they still eager to shorten their distance and held each other in their own arms. But can they survive admist all difficulties?


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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