Bonus Chapter One

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Rody laid in Lucas's lap, sniffling. It had been two weeks since he learned about what Vince did, and since he'd killed him.

He was still an absolute mess over it, and Lucas and Richard were doing their best to help comfort him.

They really did care about him, and had been doing their best to help him. He was going through a hard time, and was constantly hurting himself in every way possible.

The reason he was laying in Lucas's lap, was because he'd just hurt himself yet again. He'd found a rather old knife, that Richard was planning to throw away, and had used it to cut his arms.

It was extra painful because of how dull it was, but he truly believed he deserved that pain.

"Rody, can you please get off me?" Lucas asked, groaning quietly. Rody had been laying on him for two hours straight, he was almost like a cat.
Rody whined, sitting up slightly. He immediately just wrapped his arms around Lucas, burying his face against his neck.

That was Lucas's answer. Rody wasn't moving.

Lucas sighed, and wrapped his arms around Rody, sitting up slightly so they were in a much more comfortable position.

Lucas couldn't really protest much, since he knew Rody needed the comfort and support. He did his best to comfort him, to let him know he wasn't alone anymore, to let him know he was safe.

Richard walked into the room, pausing when he saw Rody hugging onto Lucas, his face buried against his neck.
Was he jealous that Rody was hugging his boyfriend? Yes. But Rody did the same with Richard whenever he was the one to comfort him, so it was fair.

"Did it happen again?" Richard asked, walking over to the bed and sitting down. "Yeah.. pretty badly this time too, he used a dull knife." Lucas explained, looking down at Rody worriedly.

Richard sighed, and moved next to Lucas, leaning his head against his shoulder.

"Rody, are you okay?" He asked, sounding concerned for his friend. He cared about Rody a lot, and hated whenever he hurt himself.

Rody whined quietly, glancing at Richard with red watery eyes.

"He won't talk.. I found him sobbing on the bathroom floor bleeding, all he could do was apologize.. I finally got him to calm down about an hour ago, but he hasn't said anything since." Lucas explained, sitting up against the headboard.

"Rody.." Richard muttered, sitting up as well. He looked worried, and that made Rody upset.

He didn't want Richard or Lucas to worry about him, he didn't deserve their kindness, not after what he did.

He'd killed someone, and not just anybody either. He killed his boyfriend, impaled in on a saw, crushing his lungs and cutting through him painfully.

He hated what he did, and he hated himself even more. He didn't deserve to be cared for, all he deserved was death.

But he wouldn't get that, not while Richard and Lucas were protecting him.

A part of him was grateful they cared so deeply for him, while the other just wished they'd get rid of him already.

He did not deserve their kindness.

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