48: Ill-fated

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Third person P.O.V

The darkness had fallen all over again, making the surroundings more gloomy than ever with no warmth inside his heart. Clearly, he was blaming himself for what happened with Taehyung, but again, it wasn't fully his fault, someone had been playing with his mind and once in the picture, he would never forgive that person. 

The grunting of people lying in front of him caught his divided attention, turning his blood hotter at the sight of those glaring and pleading eyes directed at him. The red splattered all over the wooden floor, making it look creepy, but for him, it just looked disgusting.

"Sire, what should we do now?" Jin asked. His question was for the arrested southern pack members who couldn't escape anymore. Yet that unknown warlock was nowhere to be found when Jungkook left the room after failing to find any clue about Taehyung.

"Throw them all in the dungeon down there, and make sure to give them no food or water until they open their mouth about their plans." Watching as their Sire pivoted on his feet to go inside his silent house, Jin shared a concerned glance with others who wore the same expressions.

When Jungkook came inside the hall where they arrested Wonhoo and his relatives, his eyes were back to normal the moment he saw his right hand and close friends. The vulnerability in his eyes was momentary, they all saw it but said nothing until now.

'He looks so disturbed. And where is Taehyung? I can't even sense him in that place.'

'Yes, same here. But Joonie, what is more disturbing is that Taehyung's friend is the main culprit for now. Which seems quite off to me for unknown reasons.' Shaking his head, Namjoon threw Hanjoo inside the shabby place and locked it with Jin doing the same with a glaring Wonhoo.

Once all of them were locked, Jin was dragged out of the place by a hand having his wrist in it.


"Shh, follow me." Gaping in surprise, Jin remained silent and followed. When they stopped, it was the back side of the pack house.

"What are you doing? I'm not going to give you any kiss, you brat!" Pouting at the decision, the said brat just made him silent again to show a small piece of paper rolled in a messy way.

"I'd love to get kisses from you, but not in such situations and at such places, Jinie." Jin gave him a look, but it deflated soon when his eyes scanned the paper closely.

Shifting to the mind link before Jin could blurt something out loud, Namjoon told him the reason he was dragged here. 'This is found in the cabinet of Taehyung's clothes, and I even felt something odd like a scent blocker, but more intense than the one we gave him.'

'It must be from the person who casted that spell on him.' Namjoon nodded lightly, biting his lips before turning the paper a bit to point at a certain place. Jin gasped, pulling the paper closer to inspect his doubt, and once proved right, he gave a questioning look to the other.

'Han clan, Jinie.' One word, and Jin knew, a war was waiting for them already.


Throwing the damp towel away, Jungkook slumped down on the bed, his empty eyes just focused on the floor while his brain wandered around all the possibilities.

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