Chapter 49: It Won't Start Unless It's Started

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"I got to take a nap without dreaming about him chasing me with the teddy bear mask

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"I got to take a nap without dreaming about him chasing me with the teddy bear mask." I mumbled to myself as I stretched my limbs in satisfaction.

Not only did I get to rest for real, I ended up completing the quest. But don't bother asking how, it's terrifying.

Just kidding. I ended up opening my eyes which surprised Soha, my face almost got squashed by a pillow if it weren't for my quick reflexes.

She let me have a bit of nap time though, and I'm certain she didn't do anything weird. The system reassured me too, so I'll trust him. Besides, I'm still aware of my surroundings.

You know that feeling when you're asleep but you can still sense other people around you talking or something? It's like being unconscious and conscious at the same time.

Now it's time for the system to update the quest in 3...2...1—

4. Take over Bar Gangbuk [0/1]

There we go. I'm not even surprised. But this part is going to be difficult for me. The 5v1 against Sangcheol and his thug buddies are different to the 5v1 I experienced at North Gangbuk.

If there's too much of a difference, including that unknown suspicious guy who almost got me last time, how am I going to survive against legit adults in a fight?

"How kind of you to lead me to death." I sarcastically remarked at the system, seeing the arrow pointing and guiding me on the road I must take to reach my destination.

But I don't have the mask anymore. I can try looking for a different one, but they might think I'm a different kind of moron.

"Ah, I know!" With an idea that crossed my mind, I marched into the Northern territory without hesitation.


"There we go." To put it simply, I drew a teddy bear's face into a normal flat mask and made sure it's fixed tightly into my face. If it falls down, I'm done for.

Not only will my face be revealed, even my identity as well! North Gangbuk is currently in an alliance with us to stop the East from attacking the West.

If word spreads that the top dog of the West is causing havoc here, they might turn their backs on us and get the wrong idea.

"Turn the music off! Now!"

The DJ looked at the guy who demanded him to turn off the music. "What? Why? Everyone's having fun."

"Look!" All eyes landed on me as I entered the bar confidently at the same time the guy announced my arrival. "Kim Badabe is here!"

Haha, that nickname sucks more than High Heel Suhyeon. The older looking thugs that evidently tells me they're not teenagers gave me a judgemental look.

"So this is him? The guy who attacked Sangryeol's boys?"

"Well, he's got balls coming here all alone."

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