❄️Penny - Guardian❄️

50 6 4

Creativity: 15/15

The uniqueness of this story and the creativity of this story, a chef's kiss. Let me tell you the way that this creator. of this story did this story is like phenomenal. Like, who thinks of this like she's in a community. She's unhappy in the community. She wants out of the community. And who does she have to go to the community head honcho? blew my mind.

Originality: 15/15

I'm gonna go read a story like this in a while. I am so happy that I read a story like this because stories like this are what make me love reviewing the originality, the way that they did this story is so out of the box. Amazing. And let me tell you, when I read a story like this, I'm going to tell you like it is regardless. That is why I am blunt. If I don't like the story, I'm going to tell you if I like a story, I'm going to tell you and brag about it. This story's a originality is so freaking amazing. And the way that they did this story was so good. Like, thank you. Thank you for letting me review your story. Because let me tell you, I enjoyed this story a lot. A lot.

Storytelling: 15/15

I'm sorry, but I feel like the storytelling is a girl that's in a cult.. Sorry, she is in a cult and. this cult, she does not want to be in and they won't let her leave. Come on. That is how I feel with this storytelling. The storytelling is amazing, but this girl is not in a community. She did a cult. But the way that the author does it, it's so unique because this girl is trying to get out of the community. Or as I like to consider a cult and they won't let her leave. Regardless of how many things she says, regardless of how many. adventure she wants to go on. But God was of how she tries to defend her itself. The way that this author makes this storytelling is, Oh my goodness. Once again, it's chef kiss. It's like thank you for writing this character. Thank you for writing this story because the storytelling is without a doubt. Phenomenal.

Character: 15/15

can we just talk about these characters for a minute? Let me tell you about these characters. What is that? The awkward does these characters you can tell that the girl is very shy and she just wants to get out. She doesn't feel accepted. Nobody likes her. Everybody hates her. It's understandable. But the way that she makes her so timid and afraid. But at the same time, fighting for her freedom is beyond amazing. And she brings all the emotions like this girl brings all the emotions She's like, not afraid to, like, fight for what she wants. But she's so frustrated too, because every time she's trying to fight for what she wants, they turn her down. It's like a slap in The face  this girl cannot get what she wants and it's so frustrating. But the way that the author does the character, I can so relate to the character like 100 percent relate to this character because no matter how hard she tries, she can't do it.

Story Flows: 15/15

I did not see anything wrong with the story. Everything flowed very well. There is no sentence structural errors. There was. no grammar errors and everything in the story flow Perfectly.

Cover Design: 15/15

absolutely adore the cover and find that it's the story perfectly If I'm being honest and I don't say this often about covers, but I think out of a lot of the covers that I have looked at, this is one of my favorite .

Final Thoughts: 10/10

Oh, I gotta say to this author is that they are phenomenal and I hope that whatever work they have in the future is as good as this because their work is phenomenal. But once again. it is the author that is not getting noticed. This author has 114 votes. Why? Why is this author no being  any more votes? Why is this author not getting any more comments? Why is this author not recognized as much as they should be? Because this website is broken and that's all I can say and I will continue to say that because this author is phenomenal, yet they do not get the credit because they are not seen because the bigger, quote unquote, better writers out there. No, sweetheart, I do not agree with that, nor will I ever say that there are. Because let me tell you, authors that have the low rate are the best authors I have seen on this website. I have. read authors that have tons and tons and tons of votes and comments and some of their work is crap. The authors that don't have a lot of work that don't have a lot of votes that don't have a lot of comments that are living under a rock begging to be noticed are the authors that have the best work. I will put money on that. The reason i will pit money on that is because I read this authors work and this author has me speechless and that's one thing that doesn't happen a lot. The way that this author makes their character, the way that this author character feels like they are suffocating in a community that I feel as a cult personally and the way that they are trying to See theirselves, but not because they won't let them is beyond beautiful. The way. that this author brings light to everything and the way that the author does it with such beauty and such talent. I'm like stunned. Why isn't this author have more reviews? Why doesn't this author have more votes? Why is this author on the back burner ready to be told that they have phenomenal work when at the end of the day, nobody's telling them that because nobody's seeing that I'm not angry at the author. What I am angry at is the author is not being noticed for their incredible work. That is sickening because this author has me completely speechless with how beautiful their work is. Yeah. once again, they're not noticed for me. I think that's This website needs to do better. Feel like this website needs to put the authors work at the front of the line every time that they update. So that way it is cycling through and people can see their work. This author should be very proud of their work and should not take nothing but praise for how phenomenal their work is. I cannot wait to see this authors They work in the future and I would be honored if this author does decide to write more stories to review those stories because I was honored to review this 1. 

Chapters I read:3

Total points:100

Summary of the book:

When Penny takes a job as a carer for Alice, who's mobility and memories are fading. She doesn't expect this wheelchair bound little woman to be stronger than a raging bull in a fighting pit. Why does she stay with Alice?Because she's desperate to escape her community. But as truths are revealed to Penny can she keep her sanity when her new future seems destined to step into the paranormal? Or will she tear apart at the revelations of beautiful Guardians and Otherwolders.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.


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