Ch. IV ✡Andrealphus✡

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(DISCLAIMER: Andrealphus is actually a Marquis, and not a prince. But to better fit this fan fiction story line, I am making him a prince. This is a work of fan fiction. Just an A/N. Enjoy the chapter!)


YOU SHIVER UNCONTROLLABLY, ARMS wrapped tight around yourself just to feel the slightest bit of warmth in this frozen tundra. Why in Hell's sake did your suitor for marriage have to be in the coldest depths of Hell? Couldn't his castle be somewhere a little warmer? And not damn near in the middle of the FROZEN side of Hell?!

You can't help but feel a little anger towards your father, knowing he didn't tell you about this on purpose to avoid your complaining. Hence why, you dressed in your regular outfit that's more fit for the hotter side of the Pride Ring.

Though walking on the icy path that tends to zig zag let and right every five minutes, you will admit, you've nearly face planted on the ice due to your boots being slippery, and your skin is bright red from how piercing cold it is.

Zestial notices your shivering, and he raises a brow. "I told thee to dress appropriately," he says, almost in a taunting voice.

"I thought I was," you mumble, "you didn't tell me that the prince lives in a palace of ice."

Zestial chuckles, not helping himself as he taps your head with his long finger, amused by your slight annoyance to where he had failed. "I thought it would excite thou. Doth you not remember how when thou were a mere child, you visioned thyself queen of an ice palace?"

But that was imagination, not reality, you want to reply, though you bite your tongue when the peaking of two ice towers appear before you as you and your father climb the final hill of this path fit for two.

Your eyes widen. Though the castle was small, it was stunning. A palace made of complete ice, rays of Hell's sunlight shining through the ice, reflecting upon the mounds of snow that surround the palace, adding beautiful colors to the white.

The palace is a tinted blue, and visibly clear to see through, though with how thick the icicles that make the castle, it isn't possibly to see to far inside.

Zestial notices the faint flicker of what appears amazement in your eyes. Upon seeing it, his heart can't help but feel a little bit of weight lifted.

So far, you like the place that will become your new home in due time...Zestial can only pray that you will find at least some common ground with Andrealphus. The man who your husband.

Amongst other suitors who wanted your hand in marriage, Zestial felt that someone like Andrealphus--his sister being married to Stolas Ars Goetia, his mind being quite smart, excellent when it comes to decision making, and a little charming--would be a perfect match for someone like you, his daughter.

In a way, when it comes to education, you and Andrealphus are similar. You both know a great deal of Hell's ancient history, not only that, but the two of you know a lot when it comes to the present times. A marriage between the two of you would bring great things...a powerful alliance between the Morde and Goetia royalty name.

This marriage will open a great deal of doors that Zestial is unable to open alone.

As the two of you near the palace entrance, you notice two, impish like demons--like the servants back at your home--stand guard in front of the doors, there faces holding a hard expression, there eyes hidden beneath the black sunglasses they wear to keep from going snow blind.

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