Chapter 50

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Hi, y'all!

In honor of what Taylor has just announced, I got super excited and decided to update sooner!!

This is the last chapter, so I wanna thank each and every single one of you who voted, commented and read. Special thanks to sailormusk, ElonMuskFanGirl and FanfictionsByCaitlyn.

I'd love to write a second season in the future, so let me know what y'all think, okay?

Enjoy, love you all! <3


Elon and Taylor arrive at the SpaceX event hand in hand, surrounded by engineers and excited attendees. Although Taylor feels a bit shy and out of her element in this unfamiliar field, Elon proudly introduces her as his girlfriend, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. He knows that Taylor is not just a pop sensation, but also an intelligent and talented woman who is more than capable of navigating any situation.

As they walk through the venue, Taylor can't help but feel a surge of nervous excitement. The atmosphere is electric, buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming launch. She glances at Elon, who senses her unease, and whispers reassurance in her ear. "Don't worry, my love. Just be yourself. These brilliant minds here will admire and respect you for who you are."

Feeling encouraged by his words, Taylor takes a deep breath and lets her natural charm and humility shine through. She engages in conversations with aerospace engineers, listening and asking insightful questions. They are captivated by her genuine curiosity and passion, realizing that beneath Taylor's glamorous exterior lies a deep sense of intellectual curiosity.

As the event progresses, they find themselves caught up in the whirlwind of excitement. Taylor marvels at the intricate details of the rockets, her eyes sparkling with wonder. Elon eagerly explains every aspect, proud to share his passion with the woman he loves. She asks about the intricate mechanisms and the science behind it all, genuinely interested in understanding every part of the process.

As the launch time approaches, Elon's hand finds its way to Taylor's, intertwining their fingers. He looks into her eyes, his gaze filled with adoration and pride.

Taylor's heart swells with emotion. She has always been known for her ability to connect with people through her music and vulnerability. Now, she realizes that being with Elon has opened up new doors and possibilities for personal growth and exploration.

As Taylor's eyes sweep across the bustling crowd, she catches sight of her parents standing a few feet away. A wide smile spreads across her face as she rushes towards them, Elon following closely behind. She embraces her mom and dad, squeezing them tightly as they exchange heartfelt greetings.

Elon, ever the gracious host, steps forward with a warm smile on his face. "Thank you for coming," he says, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "It means a lot to both Taylor and me to have you here, sharing in this special moment."

He takes Taylor's parents on a tour of the SpaceX event, showing them the cutting-edge technology and sharing insights into the awe-inspiring work being done there. Taylor watches proudly from a distance, her heart swelling with love for both Elon and her parents. She feels incredibly blessed to have her worlds collide in such a beautiful way.

Throughout the tour, Taylor's parents are captivated by Elon's passion and knowledge. They listen intently as he explains the intricacies of space exploration and the boundless possibilities that lie ahead. His genuine enthusiasm and warmth make it easy for them to connect with him, and they appreciate his efforts to make them feel welcome.

Meanwhile, Taylor reflects on how far she and Elon have come since they first crossed paths. Their connection has grown stronger with each passing day, and she is eternally grateful for the support he has shown her in every aspect of their relationship.

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