i. fifteen - annabeth finally gets her quest...and it's kinda complicated

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words : 3834

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"what is wrong with you?!"

percy's eyes blazed with disbelief and anger as he rose to his feet having emerged from falling into the water from annabeth's push.

annabeth merely crossed her arms, nonchalant despite percy's outrage.

"you sure there wasn't another way you could've gone about proving what you needed to prove?" alliah whispered, shooting an apologetic look towards percy.

"yeah, but he was getting on my nerves." annabeth smirked.

percy saw the smug on her face and that ticked him off even more. before he could begin yelling again however, a sharp tingling in his battered hand cut him off.

he stared down, anger wearing off and confusion taking over. he watched as what used to be a jagged bloody line - courtesy to clarisse's spear - on his left hand began to fade away, not even leaving a mark as it left.

"what the..."

then he started feeling the tingling all over his arms and legs where the fight had left him cut up and wounded. he felt it on his face, his lips, his elbows...

he looked towards alliah, a half-scared half-mystified look in his widened eyes.

"what's happening to me?"

alliah opened her mouth to say something, but she went quiet as her gaze shifted upwards above the boy's head.

annabeth gestured for him to look up.

"your dad's calling."

percy whipped his head up as the last of his bruises disapparated.

above his head of drenched blonde curls, was the illuminating glow of a trident's outline - the campers gasped as they stared at the sign of poseidon.

by the time percy looked back at the staring crowd, everybody had been on their knees - bowing.

he caught sight of luke with the flag. the boy looked astounded as he too bowed alongside dozens of other campers by his side, both red and blue teamed. his gaze shifted to alliah and annabeth who were exchanging pleased smirks as they also got on their knees. even clarisse, who's face was etched in both shock and fury, hung her head low reluctantly.

chiron suddenly emerged from the crowd, his brows furrowed.

holy shit...

"you have been claimed by the sea god." he announced in his booming voice. "earthshaker, stormbringer - percy jackson, son of poseidon!"


"so, mister stormbringer, huh?" luke joked, though he was still a little shocked, as he nudged alliah teasingly. "not the best idea to make a foe out of the sea god's son."

"don't," alliah sighed. "percy's always pissed at me about something, but now i have to worry about one day waking up to my cabin turning into an aquarium or something..."

she set her untouched duffel bag on the floor as she sunk into the bottom bed of the bunk bed she shared with silena beauregard, her roomate and close friend.

she hadn't bothered to unpack just yet, everything she'd been wearing was either borrowed from silena or from some other camper - she hated unpacking more than she did packing. it always took more time to place everything back in order. besides, she hadn't had much time staying in the cabin anyway, she was always too busy these days.

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