Ch. XIII ✡The Waiting Game✡

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THE FAMOUS QUIET CALM BEFORE THE STORM. A night where one and all join together to raise a toast and cheer for what they have and spend their night with those closest to them. Those that they will fight for tomorrow...those they'll die for.

For the longest time, you always wondered why people would celebrate the night before a battle. It confused you. How can people be so happy and cheerful when in just hours, they very well could die? Wouldn't that make one panicked? Somewhat agitated?

But at the same time, your question was answered, was it not?
They all celebrate the fact that they are living in this moment right now, surrounded by those they love and trust wholeheartedly. Tomorrow is pushed to the sides of everyone's minds...they're just enjoying what's already here, and not worried about what will happen when the Exorcists come.

They're And if they were to die, at least they spent there last night throwing a party for the life they had lived to the fullest.

Alastor stands on the second floor that overlooks the longue, his eyes staring down amongst those who laugh, make conversation, raise their drinks and cheer for this time that they have together.
His smile softens. One could get used to such sentimental moments...quite the unexpected surprise, is Alastor slowly finding himself beginning to care for them?

A twist in his plans, one that mustn't blossom to its full bloom if he wants his plan to succeed.

Though interestingly enough, there is one face that's missing from the crowd of friends down below. A certain face he assumed would have joined the others the moment this party started.

Alastor hears the muffled sound of a blade being thrown into a wall down the hallway behind him, and curiously, he looks over his shoulder upon hearing the noise.

Smiling, he shakes his head softly. Now why on Earth are you still locked inside your room, and not down here with the others?
In fact, Alastor doesn't think he's seen you once join the others since this party was held.

Are you similar to him when it comes to preferring to stay outside of crowds and simply look within? you like to spend your time doing something else more...fulfilling?

Standing up straight, Alastor begins to walk down the hallway.


Beads of sweat run down your brow as you try to stabilize your breathing once more.
Lifting your spear, you lunge forward, thrusting the tip of your spear into the stomach of an imaginary Exorcist you see in your head.

Then, you plant the spear into the ground firmly, using your hands that remain wrapped tightly on the spear to lift yourself up as you perform a kick, pointing straight to an imaginary collarbone with the sharp angelic steel heel of your boot.

You swivel, ducking as you then press the buttons of your gloves to unsheathe the blades, slicing the ankles of the said imaginary Exorcist you invision is standing before you.

Rising up, you do one backflip, your hands and feet sticking to the wall behind you exactly like a spider, as you then push yourself off the wall, flying in midair with your arms outstretched, only to use the blades of your gloves to slit an imaginary throat.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now