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How did she get here? Azura couldn't remember anything and she felt confused and disoriented. According to her , she was clearly supposed to be dead by now , not everyone survives after a plane crash in the middle of the ocean do they ?

She tried to sit up but was met with a sharp pain in her head. She groaned and closed her eyes, trying to focus on her surroundings. She was in a very primitve looking room or den, she could see the trees and the sky clearly from the big window in the room . The room was well ventilated and looked pretty comfortable as if it belonged to some royalty .

The female next to her stirred and opened her eyes. She seemed relieved to see Azura awake and she smiled at her.

" Thank goodness you're awake, " the woman said, her voice filled with emotion.

Azura tried to speak but her throat felt dry and her voice was hoarse. The woman quickly grabbed a glass of water and helped her drink.

" Oh dear , Take it slow, you've been through a lot," the woman said, still holding her hand.

Azura nodded and slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in her head. The woman introduced herself as her mother . Azura gave the lady a very shocked expression.

Seeing her act this way , the lady who sat in front of her was panickstriken and yelled for her males to come , wait what ?

Hearing their female yelling , around four men entered the room worriedly , when their eyes fell on azura , they breathed a sigh of relief but after seeing the other lady's expression , they got worked up .

" what happend?"
One of them asked the lady as he soothed her back .

" She- my baby doesn't recognize me ! She made a very shocked face when I told her I'm her mother- "
She hiccups between her tears .

" what- Child ! Do you not remember me too ? I'm your father ! Do you not remember any of us ? "
The man who claimed to be her father said as he pointed towards himself .

Just when she was about to respond to the question , she felt a sudden headache coming , it felt like someone just hit her head with a hammer , everything seemed to have stopped for a second as azura looked down and closed her eyes , memories , she was having visions of being born and spending time with all the people present in the room. She examined herself , looks like she was no longer herself . Looking around at the people who stood there , she recognized each of them and also the reason she fainted . The sudden rush of information being poured in her brain was making her head spin , but still she managed to put the other thoughts aside and then just focused on her crying mother . That hurt a lot .

" mom , dont cry ! How can I not remember you ? "
The mother was already hugging azura the moment she heard her say the word mom .

" I'm so glad ! Don't play such stupid pranks on me ! "
She said as she flicked azura's forehead and wiped her tears . She couldn't bear the thought of losing her daughter, after losing her four males becasue of a grave disease. Her present four partners and her children were all she had left .

" and dad , I mean dads, I remember you all too . "
Azura chuckled as she saw the men looking at her with sad expressions that brightened up the moment they heard her .

" I'm glad darling , I almost had a heart attack ."
Her father , Damien, a four marked peacock beastman , said as he kissed her forehead and azura just smiled as it seemed like the most normal thing to do at the moment . A smile is a curve than can make everything look straight . Happy ? Smile . Sad ? Smile . Angry ? Smile . Dead ? Smile- no , in short , smiles can cover anything, be it any emotion from fear to happiness . Right now , she was using the Smile to cover her nervousness and wtf is happening emotion.

You don't always think about things that you will do if you're literally flung into another world , apparently , the mother looked a lot like a character she had seen in a manhua called Beauty and the beasts , she hoped she was wrong but seems like she was right ?

The memories totally proved her suspicion right. Because if that was the case then her memories alone wouldn't help her remember everything that happened in the novel because she does not remember the major or very very minor things that happened or exist in the novel . She just had an general idea of how everything worked here , also her memories had absolutely nothing more important than hanging out with mom and talking to her dads.

She looked at her mother , who resembled the leopard queen , a lot .
And one of her fathers' seemed to resemble the leopard king a lot .
The other males , Victor, a four marked wolf beastman and lante , a triple marked hawk beastman .

" we are glad that you are fine ! "
The leopard kind said as he too smiled warmly at her .

" of course, we were so scared when we saw you passing out at the bon fire ."
Victor said as he expressed his worries too .

" the healer said that you fainted because of stress . What exactly happened at the feast for you to faint ? "
Lante asked as he raised a brow . The feast was held because azura was finally of age , it was to congratulate her and so a bon fire was held at night, many other beastmen who were closely acquainted with their family were invited, azura was fine but she suddenly wanders into the woods alone and is found drowning in the deep lake .

" I don't know , maybe I was too nervous "azura replied as she wanted to get this over with already.

" hmm , maybe ! But all that matters is that you're fine now ."
Lante then brightened up the mood and everyone else agrees.

" so my baby! Have you decided your name ? Tell me , I can't wait to finally call you by your name ! "
Het mother excitedly said .

" yes "
Azura nodded and everyone looked at her with anticipation and tenderness .

" how about azura "
Her real name never felt so accurate until today .

[ A/n : plz refrain from making hate comments on the characters , it hurts me and I know I'm an ass for saying it but I'm sensitive like hell so plz and don't try looking for too much logic in here ok , I SUCK TOO MUCH AND I ALREDLY KNOW IT DON'T BE OFFENDED IF YOU DON'T FIND LOGIC IN HERE AGAIN , SO BEAR WITH ME ]

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