Ch. XIV ✡Hungry For Freedom✡

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EVERYTHING...WAS CHAOTIC AFTER ALASTOR'S protective barrier surrounding the hotel was broken due to Adam's attack.
Swarms of blood thirsty Exorcist's flew down in mere seconds, ruthlessly attacking whatever moves in their sight.

The sounds of screams, war cries, gunfire, bombs going off, and Charlie's constant Sorry! Sorry! Oops I'm sorry! whenever she hit an Exorcist with her shield--which you have no idea why Charlie is even apologizing, these are enemies!--fills your ears, though you remain undistracted, and continue to attack whatever Exorcist that dares to hurt you, or someone nearby you.

While you stand on two feet, neither you, nor anyone else, will get stabbed with an angelic blade. You'll make damn sure of it.

With one free hand, you shoot a web forward towards and Exorcist that's trying to sneak up on Angel Dust off towards your right side--who is too distracted shooting Exorcist's in front of him to look behind. The web attaches to their back, and with one aggressive tug, you manage to yank them to you before using the unsheathed blade on your left glove to shove your weapon into the lower part of the Exorcist's spine, before kicking their body to the ground to dodge the sudden attack from one who appeared beside you out of nowhere.

You can barely spare any second. A simple one distracted second could cost your life. You can't afford that. Especially when you know what and who you're fighting for. You fight for your family--your father, Zestial--you fight for Carmilla, her daughters, you fight for everyone here at this hotel. You fight for your future.

The sound of a gun firing makes your ears ring loudly, and the scene of the said Exorcist who attacked you falls to the ground, five gaping wounds spewing with golden blood as they lay lifeless, head flopped to the side.

"Thanks Angel!" You shout over the mass hysteria, side kicking another Exorcist in the stomach with the angelic heel of your boot, causing the spot where you kicked to leave a circular hole in the stomach, immediately dripping blood as the angel stumbles back, clutching their wound with a free hand.

You growl. "These angels just won't stop coming!" You shout, thinking nothing of it, before hearing Angel--who stands beside you--laugh aloud, teasingly shaking his hips a little in your direction.

It takes you three seconds to figure out why he did such a thing, and you roll your eyes. "Are you kidding me?!" You shout, killing another angel by slicing its neck with the blade of your right glove. "Be serious for once!"

With a wink, Angel begins to run off towards the other direction. "Be fun for once!" Angel says back while a smirk tugs at his lips, running off to help Husker who is now surrounded by a group of four enemy angels.

You run behind you when you see three angels rushing towards Vaggie and Charlie, who fight side by side, unaware of those approaching them. Using your spear, you stab one in the chest, while spin kicking the other, and slicing the throat of the third, golden blood splattering your face and clothes.

A little blood splattered on your lips. Surprisingly, it tastes sweet, like cane sugar. Doing such a thing feels almost forbidden. Makes you curious.

A sudden golden flash flickers in your peripheral vision, causing you to look up to see the one called Adam flying towards the rooftop of the hotel where Alastor stands, awaiting Adam's arrival.

Don't you dare fail, God damn it, you say in your head in reference to Alastor. Alastor is very skilled yes, but he's going against Adam without an angelic weapon, believing that his powers would be enough to eliminate Adam.

You thought it was foolish of Alastor to go against Adam without a weapon, but no matter what you said, Alastor told you to quit fretting, and that he's perfectly capable of handling Adam without a weapon. In fact...Alastor said he would prefer it that way. Which egotistical, to your eyes.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat