Ch. XXVIII ✡Masquerade✡

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THE SOUND OF LOUD EXAGGERATED MOANS can be heard coming from the television, following with the sound of gags and groans and disgruntled remarks from the others who sit around and watch Angel's and tell movie.
The first show and tell day at the hotel, and he had to show that? As if anyone here actually wants to see that.

Husker--much like you--doesn't pay attention to the movie, refusing to let his eyes linger, to avoid the disgusting feeling of watching such a thing.
"Jesus," he mutters under his breath while he cleans a glass a little more aggressive than normal.

You couldn't have said it better.

Deep down you understand that Angel's lifestyle was a choice...though at the same're beginning to sense that it's no longer by choice.
All because of one individual, who gave you the honor of...offering his card to you the day you went to the Overlord meeting.

Filthy bastard. You understand that this place is Hell, but someone like Valentino might be pushing it too far.
You just hope that one day Karma will knock on Valentino's door.

Your back faces your friends and the TV, your shoulders slouched forward as your arms rest on the countertop. You're physically here, but your mind is elsewhere. Hundreds of miles away...deep in thought.

You haven't exactly been feeling like yourself...due to the...certain little incident a week ago. How could you have been so stupid? And to make it worse, Alastor has refused to look or even speak to you since that night. In haven't really SEEN him lately. Charlie's claim was because he had urgent business and was needed elsewhere, though what kind of business, she couldn't say.

But you can sniff a lie from truth, and that was definitely a lie. The real reason behind his absence? He just doesn't want anything to do with you anymore. As expected.

Of course, you deserve the cold shoulder. You came into his room uninvited and saw him in his most vulnerable state.
You came to see his insecurity, something he views as weakness, though to your's the definition of strength.

To his eyes, those scars may be ugly, horrid, something to hide away. But to you, they're beautiful, a reminder of how strong he truly is, how he made it out of such situations--whatever they may be. How he was able to come as far as he is.
Those are how you view his scars.

You just wish you had the courage to go up to his face and tell him how you see him, but alas, your lips are sewn shut whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Call it fear, embarrassment, or even insecurity. You just can't bear his mock or ridicule.

"Hold up, I gotta take this," Angel suddenly stands up, which breaks your train of thought. "Yeah?"

You look and see Angel pace the door out of the corner of your eye, your attention solely on him since you noticed the sudden shift in energy.
His demeanor went from now tense, nervous.

You clench your shot glass.
There's only one demon who can make the smile from Angel's face fall, the one demon who makes Angel mask his true self...the one who twists Angel into a version suitable for his own selfish gain. The one who will kill him if Angel doesn't fulfill his every want and desire.

Valen, fucking, tino.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be there..." Angel hangs up, the flicker of slight nervousness on his face at whatever was said over the phone call.
Out of the entire room, full of confused eyes and expressions, yours is on guard, all knowing.

"Well, looks like Val needs me for an...emergency shoot," Angel tries to chuckle, but his voice cracks ever so softly at the end, his one giveaway that whatever it is's not good.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now