Chapter 2- Alina Marwan

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He stood up and left her stranded in the office after telling her to leave, She couldn't believe her ears. Today, Alina Marwan is being disgraced well this is life.

She could remember when her father was still alive no-one will dare to, Not even the so-called El-Kabeer's.

No, Alina don't get ahead of  yourself even if Dad was here . They'll dare to they are way out of your league Her inner voice/thoughts as usual.

A tear rolled down her cheeks, she needed the job so badly if not she could have insulted him right at his face and left the fcking job but what about her mom and sister, And the urge to prove uncle Abba her so-called guardian that she is capable of taking care of her family.

“I hate you!”She shouted before leaving the damn office, she went back to Ahmad's office to tell him about what happened at the Ceo's office.

She was walking when she bumped into the CEO.

“Gosh, you again?” he lamented

“Umm..., Did you mean to say you again because you were the one who bumped into me” I said rather courageously.

“How dare you talk back at me?”He asked with a straight face.

Alina's heart started beating a little faster, but she wouldn't keep quiet because she can't tolerate this.

“Don't I have the right to tell you it was your fault?”  She asked “Mr. CEO, I know I work under you but when it's not my fault, I'll speak up”

Surprisingly, He smirked at her before frowning as if he never ever smiled in his entire life and walked away.

Did he walk away? I thought I would definitely loose my job because of I talked back but he just smirked? This guy is unbelievable

She kept walking towards the secretary's office when she got notified that the CEO needs her attention.

He just chased me out and now he's looking for me, I turned back and went back to his office this time knocking a bit harder so he knows I don't really have the patience to keep waiting.

He gave her  permission to enter and she said her salam before entering.

“What is your name” he threw the question at her sternly.

“Alina Marwan”

“ Your age?”

“I'm 25”

“Your course of study?”

“Quantity Survey” She answered before adding “Sir, with all due respect you can see all this information on my file, I have it right here I can submit it so you can go through it”

“I choose to ask”

This girl is really funny, he's trying to be nice and offer her a job and she wants him to look at her documents because he doesn't have work to do, you,  he scoffed and kept quiet for 10 minutes before he asked the next question.

Does this man think I have all day and he didn't offer me a seat and I don't want to outright sit because I don't want what happened earlier to repeat itself.  She said in her mind

“What inspired you to look for a job at Fay Constructions?”

“ I've heard alot of nice things about the enterprise, I've seen on news papers and Tv their diligence at work, I've seen their works and.....”

Okay, that was a well-written speech I wrote Incase I get asked why I want to work there and boom but he just had to interrupt me.

“ Start tomorrow by 10 and  I hate late-coming. You may leave now”

The only question She  wanted to ask was where she will  be working from?

“ You can work here in my office”He answered as of he heard her thoughts

And she left the office back to her uncle's house.

And chapter two is a wrap!

Written And published  12th February, 2024

Edited And Republished 18th May, 2024

© Hawwaiuf

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