i. twenty two - "anything for a friend"

925 37 38

words : 3319

( tw: mentions of sa and drugs

a bit of a heavier chapter guys, look out...)

* * *

alliah popped a fry into her mouth as she and percy trudged along the road, having remained quiet for the past ten minutes.

"okay, you know what?" percy suddenly halted in his tracks, forcing alliah to turn back around to face him off.

"no, we're not doing this."

alliah rose an eyebrow as she rose another fry to her mouth. "doing what?"

"this." percy crossed his arms. "silent treatments - i thought we established that we wouldn't be like that anymore."

"what, are we friends now?" alliah scoffed. "i thought that would never work out - your words, not mine."

"you know i took them back." percy shook his head, his eyes softening a bit. "look, i'm sorry i pushed you into that staircase, okay? i just didn't want-"

"you could've died, perseus." alliah growled, now angry as she lowered her carton of fries. "do you realize how badly that could've done the quest in?"

percy's eyes flashed with reciprocal anger for a second, but then it was replaced with hurt.

"so that's what you were worried about? that if i died, the quest would end?"

alliah remained quiet, the steely look on her face unmoving.

"fine." percy said coldly. "you wanna be like that? be like that. i'm done here."

he walked off, leaving alliah with her fries. she waited a few seconds before following after, jogging to his side.

"wait, i didn't meant that, i..." she sighed, pulling his arm to stop him from walking - he did. "it was scary, okay? i've...i've had to deal with enough people dying on me and it was...it was really scary thinking we'd lose you like that."

percy's face remained icy but alliah could sense the remorse he felt.

"i was only trying to protect you guys."

alliah shook her head. "you don't get to just decide how to go about doing that anymore - we're all in this together, remember?"

"that's so hypocritical!" percy tossed his hands in the air, upset. "you tried to do the same-"

"yes and i shouldn't have," alliah admitted. "it was a bad decision and i'm sorry. but you can't blame me for being upset with you because you're the one who actually ended up doing it."

percy remained quiet.

"i'll stop giving you the silent treatment - just as long as you promise never to pull something like that again."

he opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.

"and i'll promise to do the same."

the boy closed his mouth.

alliah stuck a pinky finger out for him to reach for.

"promise. okay?"

percy took it with his own pinky, the two bonding it together for their promise. they let go after a few seconds, quietly turning back to their walk.

"i do need to ask you something though." percy said after a few minutes' worth of silence.


percy paused in his tracks once again, taking a deep breath before proceeding.

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