i. twenty three - half-bloods and the case of broken promises

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coming up into a clearing, alliah and percy stared up at the sign that announced 'welcome to waterland.'

the grand entrance wasn't so grand. it was worn out, its metal letters rusted and aged with the fence surrounding it overgrown with vines and plants.

they hadn't talked in a while and now that they'd finally reached the park, percy cleared his throat.

"you ready?" he asked.

alliah nodded. "as i'll ever be, i guess."

the two walked on, observing the sight of the place.

the gates were wide open but the ticket booths that sat out front were empty, though the lights were on and lit the place up.

"guess we didn't need to break in after all."

alliah paused for a moment. "yeah but why does this feel like a trap? it's too easy..."

"i mean, i haven't seen a lot of horror movies," percy shrugged. "but this seems like exactly the kind of place they'd suggest to avoid."

"i love horror movies," alliah sighed wistfully. "or any movies really. i miss them. we don't do a lot of movie-watching at camp and i guess it's been a while."

"if we make it out of here alive," percy smiled. "we can watch the scariest movie you can think of, with popcorn and all the other expensive stuff too."

alliah smirked. "you sure you got the money to back up that promise, perseus?"

"what's the use of being allie wan kenobi if you don't use it for a free trip to the movies with your favourite and nicest friend ever?"

percy had really taken 'friend' and ran with it ever since their prior talk and alliah oddly found herself not minding it too much. she liked carrying a conversation with the guy that didn't involve a screaming match. maybe being friends with percy jackson wasn't as awful as she'd thought it would be a month ago.

"wow so you're using me now?"

percy suddenly blinked, stopping in his tracks.

"i didn't mean it like that."

alliah felt the smirk wipe off her face. "no, i- i was kidding, don't worry about it."

percy nodded, clearing his throat.

"for now, let's deal with whatever we're about to get ourselves into..."

the pair proceeded with caution, staring at the ticket booths for any sign of life - they found none. passing the booths, they came upon revolving doors that led to the actual park itself. alliah felt her stomach churn with suspicion, but kept walking anyway, following behind percy as he entered into one.

"why didn't you go into another door?" percy complained, realizing she'd quite literally followed after him, both now crammed in the same door.

alliah shrugged. "my bad, we don't have revolving doors at camp either."

"that is not an excuse for being dumb." percy rolled his eyes as he made a move to push through and free them, when alliah suddenly pulled him back by the collar of his shirt. "hey, what are you-"

"wait, stop." alliah pointed above them, her gaze struck on something there. "oh shit, i think we messed up."

his eyes followed her line of sight, finding himself staring up at what looked like golden metal blades above their heads, turning slowly.

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