Chapter 3- Uncle Abba

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Alina's POV

“Assalamualaikum” I said as I entered the house, My uncle's house was one of the houses to talk about in Abuja, the interior of the house is just so Ma Sha Allah, he spent money on it and even with that I admired the interiors of the construction company so you should know that interior is really a sight to behold.

    Uncle Abba has everything to help us but he wouldn't just because My mum said she's  capable of taking care of us without him and he believes without him means without inheritance money so he kept it at the bank and said my mum should satisfy her ego, she didn't bother to explain what she meant by without him so she just let him do whatever he wants to. Not that if we ask him for help he won't help us, he'll be more than glad to . Since the death of my father, my mum took care of my sister and I while our inheritance laid at the comfort of the bank.
      My father left millions but we have no access to it till date and who of course is the cause if not uncle Abba. He wants to see exactly what my mum can do and my stubborn mum decided to show him.
      “Wa alaikumus salam”Aunt Amani answered. She's my uncle's wife but she and I don't actually share a relationship other than that because she's the least interested in me and vice versa.
         I looked at her and headed to the kitchen to look for something to eat because By Allah I am famished.
      “Alina!”I immediately recognized the voice, I'll recognize this voice even in my sleep. This means he's back, I felt the urge to quickly go and hug him but I resisted because of Aunt Amani and kept walking towards the kitchen pretending not to hear her.

      “Alina!” He called again and this time I had to turn.
           “Ya Umair, is this you?” I said in pretence as of I didn't really know it was him.

“Yup, little sis!” I didn't know when I rushed to hug him even though that was the reason I ignored him at first because of Aunt Amani, she doesn't like the closeness between me and Ya Umair because he's her only child and she wants him to get married to a classy girl and also from a rich prestigious family but Ya Umair and I are too close to get separated by her, and also for her information we won't get married ever, I see as the brother I never had nothing more but she just won't get it.

“Ohhhh! Did you miss me this much?”

“ You bet I did” I answered as I released the hug

“ Mumma! ” He said as he looked towards Aunt Amani

“ Is it now you are seeing me ?”She asked while eyeing him in a playful way.

“My mummy” he said in a babyish tone “I promise I didn't see you, I thought it was only my sweet sister”

“How was your trip?”She asked

“It was fine, and here is my PhD certificate” He said as he brought the certificate out

“Tabarakallah Masha Allah!”Aunt Amani said Aloud and hugged her son.

He sat down on the couch near his mum, she looked at me and I realized immediately what the looks were meant for, I should leave them alone.

She hates seeing me near her son but I can't stay away from him, he's a brother every one wishes to have. I left the mother and son, and walked back to my room even though my stomach was grumbling because I didn't eat anything for Breakfast.

Later during the night, I informed uncle Abba that I've gotten the job, he congratulated me and gave me some money for transportation and what not.I didn't want to thank him but I did anyways

You see my mother is not feeling well and I asked her to leave her job because it's too stressful, so I came to Abuja in search of a job because I know the pay is thicker in Abuja than anywhere and now that I've secured a Job my mum can rest and I'll take over our responsibility.

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