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" so you're telling me that he's a part of our family now ! "
Wisnton said as he processed all the information .

Presently, they were at the temporary den that Parker had showed them and talking about the sudden events .

" and the fact that azura's still sitting in front of us and not being dragged out of this continent is really impressive. "
Noah said smiling .

" I know, Curtis is one good guy compared to his peers "
Asher said smiling .

Curtis who was coiled around azura just stared at them converse .

" umm , so ?"
Azura said as she looked at her males .

" I mean , if he's a good boy then there's no issue at all , one thing that I admire about ferals is that they are good at combat ! "
Noah said smiling.

" indeed ! Curtis let's spar ! "
Asher suggested and everyone in the room sighed .

" not now Asher sit down ! "
Winston said smacking the back of his head .

" fine "
Asher did as he was told .

" I mean , all your possibilities are coming out to be true very soon don't ya think ? "
Noah said and Asher nodded .

" it's all a coincidence. But ya'll, the next time you see a butterfly around azura , kill that thing , rip it to shreads , apparently our beloved has a thing for it and starts following it "
Asher said rubbing his temples .

All of them just nodded .

Azura just nervously smiled as she cursed herself for bringing up with such lame excuses.

" so Curtis, do you like swimming ? "
Noah asked .

" yes "
He gave short replies .

" oh , thats good for you "
Noah said as his shoulders dropped and Asher just patted his head . Of course, all snakes are great swimmers and Curtis was no exception.

" don't be sad, looks like he'll get along well with wisnton "
Asher said and azura laughed, winston and Curtis were clueless but ended up smiling and that's how they bonded for hours . Noah went to get his herbs , he was so excited for that.

It was evening right now and azura had some guests .
" hi , my name is Bai QingQing, I heard from Parker that you're his sister ! Nice to meet you . "
She said smiling brightly. Azura couldn't help but smile back , she didn't really hate the girl sitting in front of her but that didn't mean she liked her .

Parker wasn't lying when he said that he'd come to see his sister and introduce his female to her . Right now they were all sitting Inside the den .

" it's my pleasure , my brother did find himself a gem "
Azura said and QingQing blushed at her words.

" of course! By the way how long you're planning on staying here ? "
Parker asked .

" oh that ..."
Azura paused as she looked back at her mates , she didn't know how long because they were the ones planning the journey back .

" Well we will be leaving after dinner , we plan to reach the beast city before dawn ."
Asher said and Parker nodded at his words.

Azura couldn't help but smile at Parker being such a sweet and considerate brother to her , she was even having a guilt trip as she regretted calling him names while she read the novel . Was it because he was her brother now ? She didn't know anything but she knew that she wanted to help him and stay away from him at the same time .

" ah , that's too soon ~ we didn't even catch up . "
Parker's ears dropped and azura swore she felt bad .

" but we're at least together till dinner right ? Brother ."
Azura said and he constantly cheered up .

" right! "
QingQing said as she smiled at the siblings . Then her gaze shifted to azura's back , there sat four beastmen , she wondered how does azura manage to give them all equal time and love , to her , the concept of ploy relationships was very foreign and she didn't plan on adapting soon . Seems like she wasn't a fan of reverse harem Manga's even though she was the MC of one . How ironic. But QingQing couldn't deny that all the men were fine and hot here .

" shall we prepare for dinner then ? "
Noah asked to no on in particular but did get answers.

" yes , let's do that "
Wisnton said as he got up and Noah did the same.

" do you need my help ? "
Asher asked .

" you know what, how about all of us males go out and leave both the females to talk ? "
Wisnton suggested and Parker agreed .

So , all of them went out hunting . Only Asher stayed back as he stood outside the den just for some security . While QingQing and azura chatted about random things.

" so I actually heard from the females who live here that you need to have at least ten males if you wish to stay protected and live a fulfilled life "
QingQing asked .

It was true , the sex ratio in this world was highly imbalanced.
She had heard the same thing from her mother when she remembers her mother crying when she had lost her other mates .

" yes , it is true ! Why ? do you think it's wrong or awkward in any way? "
Azura asked , pushing her to say the truth .

" yes actually, this isn't normal where I come from "
QingQing said as she looked down fidgeting her fingers .

" then normalize it now , now matter how much you hate to admit , you're a weak female in this world run by males , females are adored and that is their privilege, use it and create a strong family so that you can stay protected . I don't want anything to happen to you or my brother "
Azura said .

QingQing thought for a while and then nodded. Azura was actually hoping that QingQing understood what ahe meant and does follow her words as the MC effect would get troublesome in the future .

" take care of yourself ! "
Parker said as he patted azura's head with a worried expression. Oh lord , again guilt trips........

" I will . Take care of QingQing , give her some privacy and be a good boy brother! "
Azura said as she smiled and advised her brother. He better do it .

" of course I will "
Parker said.

While azura's males just stared at the siblings .

" bye bye ~ see you later ! Do visit me when you come to the city "

And with that they left for the beast city .

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