Chapter 58: Well, Less Talk, More Fight

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I already know it's the South Gangbuk lackeys who contacted me, but what I was asking earlier is how the hell they knew my number

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I already know it's the South Gangbuk lackeys who contacted me, but what I was asking earlier is how the hell they knew my number.

No, not Suhyeon's number, but my legit number since my past life! I barely used it and I'm not dumb enough to give it to anybody.

Besides, only a select few knows it! Did they really dig too deep that they even got ahold of my contact number?

Shaking my head, I chose to focus on reality and place aside my overthinking process. That's a problem for me to think about later.

"I heard you wanted to meet me." I crossed my arms as I faced three guys from the South, all looking down as they have their hands on their backs.

"Yes, ma'am."

My eyes squinted at them. Without Jihyeok or the webtoon, the only thing I'll think about this situation is suspicious and nothing else.

"You guys want to join West Gangbuk High." I stated in a matter of fact tone instead of asking for clarification.

The guy in the middle responded to me again. "That's right, ma'am!"

Wearing my signature high heels, I walked around the building while the other three followed behind me. "May I know why you want to join West Gangbuk?"

"It's partly because South Gangbuk seems to be going downhill, but there's a bigger reason." His eyes are fixated on the ground with a convincing look of someone who wants to throw Seok Kang under the bus.

"It's because of the dues."

"The dues, huh." I sneered to myself, recalling the first time Hyeondong offerred a bloody envelope to me. Good times.

The thought of it is making me tear up in bitter nostalgia.

Anyways, the same guy responded to me again. "That's right. The high schools in South Gangbuk's jurisdiction have to pay Seok Kang monthly dues."

So they're using that as an excuse. How smart, only if I wasn't aware. Wait, even if I wasn't, I'd still find it suspicious to believe.

Especially with our current situation, there's no doubt that every word slipping out of his lips are nothing but a lie to trick us.

"We want to join West Gangbuk because we can no longer pay the unreasonably high dues South Gangbuk demands from us." I nodded along to show some compassion. "West Gangbuk doesn't collect any dues, right?"

Glancing back to them as I halted from my stride, I shook my head. "Not anymore. It's weird, collecting dues as if we're loan sharks or something."

"We can no longer stand for Seok Kang's tyranny!" Cried another guy who's too dedicated to act like I did before. "But we don't want to join up with Jaeha Han, either!"

Haha, they even got the tan thug involved in their script.

"Won't you please let us join West Gangbuk's forces?" The way they beg reminds me of how Sangcheol and his buddies pleaded for money—

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