Ch. XI ✡Carmilla Carmine✡

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CHARLIE MADE A DEAL WITH ALASTOR. Oh, how the drama thickens.
Less than two days ago, Charlie--alongside Vaggie--traveled to Heaven to discuss about the Hazbin Hotel and its possibility of actually succeeding in redeeming poor unfortunate demon souls.

Though...the meeting ended quite badly. Charlie in the end was kicked out of Heaven, Adam along with his Exorcist Army announced that there first destination to attack will be at the Hazbin's doorstep, Extermination Day is less than two weeks away, and Charlie discovered that the one she trusts most has been lying to her since the first day they met.

Vaggie, the fallen Exorcist.
A fact you had known the first time you saw Vaggie...though not to be a bearer of bad news, you kept your lips shut.

And now, Charlie--ridden with grief and panic for her people and her hotel--became so desperate to the point where she's made a deal with Alastor, who purposely held back information about the slayed Exorcist from the last Extermination.

How the hell he knew had no idea.
Of course, you had known that an Angel was slayed--all Overlords did--though what you didn't know was who killed the Angel.

And in the was the one who you know quite well. Carmilla Carmine. Upon hearing this information, you were stunned. You've known Carmilla ever since you were a small child. She's always shown to be the type to keep blood off her face--even though she is a weapons dealer. What force made her suddenly KILL an Angel?

But the main and important question, how could Alastor know all that, and you didn't?
Was it possibly a secret shared between your father and Carmilla--and since you aren't allowed to join Overlord meetings, you couldn't have known? And somehow Alastor overheard this little secret? 

Though...why would Zestial keep this from you? 

You stand in Charlie's bedroom doorway alongside Vaggie, arms crossed, while your eyes stare at Alastor who holds a smug look on his face, knowing he managed to get what he wanted out of Charlie--which was a deal--when she was at her lowest point.

Fucking bastard. Revealing his true colors to you...that even though he appears nice and somewhat a friend to others...he'll take from you when you're at your lowest and willing to give up anything just to be at the top again.

Hence, The Radio Demon nickname.

"Don't fret, she still owns her soul," Alastor tells Vaggie--who is both furious and frightened to the core at what Charlie foolishly has done--as he walks towards the door to leave them alone so that they can discuss what's happened, though you step in his path, your hand grabbing his arm before he has the chance to leave.

"You do something to her in the end," you whisper, to not alert Charlie or Vaggie who stand in the middle of the bedroom talking amongst each other about plans to try and gather demons to help protect this hotel against the angel's attack.

You lean closer to Alastor. "And Lucifer won't be the only one wanting your blood," you hiss.
Lucifer would have Alastor's head if he in some way hurt his only child...and even though you don't know the exact details when it comes to Charlie's mom/queen of demons, you believe that Lilith as well would have Alastor's head.

Alastor smirks as he manages to pry your fingers from his arm.

"What's a simple favor between friends?" he remarks, before patting the top of your head. "Be a good girl and stay out of my way for today. I'm in no mood to deal with your...attitude."

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now