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Third person POV-

Always living on the run was never easy for Alaisha, she could never get close to anybody, never stayed anywhere too long and she couldn't trust anyone but herself.

There were times she wanted to let people in but time and time again she was reminded why she vowed to never do so after that day so many years ago.

Alaisha was a slim thick brownskin with long locs to her butt, her eyes were hazel and she was 5'2 and she was obsessed with fashion but nobody knows that or could tell since all she wore were baggy pants and hoodies to keep a low profile.

As Alaisha had done many times before she was moving into her new apartment with only one book bag, a duffle full of money and new furniture on the way.

When she starts to explore her new home for however long it lasts this time, she hears a knock at the door and instantly reaches for her gun and checks the peep hole.

There was a girl outside the door maybe around 5'5 , 5'6, and had her back to the door.

Alaisha opened the door slightly hiding her protection and the girl turned around with a Pan of some sort in her hand.

She observed the girl with a mug looking her up and down trying to read her. She had long dark curly hair tied in a low ponytail, pretty brown skin and brown eyes, she had a slit in her left eyebrow, big plump beautiful lips  and these gorgeous long lashes, you could tell they were natural.

She had on dark blue mens ripped jeans, white forces, a white T-shirt with a 7 in the corner and the words God first under it.

Alaisha POV-
I was completely in a daze I hadn't even realized I zoned out until she got loud "ummm hello!! You good?" I snapped out of it and responded.

"Yeah sorry do you need something" i asked still looking at her with the same mug on my face hiding the thoughts going through my head.

She was pretty which shocked me because I never ever think that about anyone, I mean dont get me wrong ive looked at people before just like anybody would but this... this was different and i didnt like it at all.

She finally started to talk after a few seconds of awkward silence. "Um yeah, I uh- I" she paused and cleared her throat "my sister wanted me to bring you this casserole as a welcoming gift since you just moved in"At first she sounded nervous but it quickly went away as she spoke.

I looked at the pan already knowing I shouldn't accept it but for some reason I contemplated taking it and I had no idea why.

I finally tucked my Gun back in my pants and stood straight in front of the girl I assumed was a stud by how she carried herself. I decided it best to decline politely hoping she wouldn't come back.

"No thank you I'm not really a casserole person thanks though". She gave a slightly disappointed smile and responded. "Okay well anyway welcome to the complex I'll see you around".

She quickly walked off and opened a door at the other end of the hall and when I was sure she was gone I quickly closed the door glad the interaction was over.

When I finally sat down I realized my heart was racing which was weird because nothing really happened, she was just pretty... really really pretty. I thought about her perfect plump limps for a few seconds then snapped myself out of it.

I decided I was going to go get food to take my mind off this bs, I don't ever think like this and I didn't plan on starting now.

Or so I thought.

First page is a little short but moving forward they'll be longer. Let me know what y'all think so far. This my first time publishing btw lol. This is my first time publishing here but i promise it gets better from here😁🫶🏽

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