February 9th 2024 (Ozzy intro!)

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Hi! I'm Ozwald or Ozthefur! I have been an awakened therian since May (I forgot) 2023. I have primarily phantom shifts. I am also a Fenkai. My theriotypes are River otter, Tabby cat, Coyote, and shire horse. And some of my Fenkai-types(?) Are Coyote, cat, and gray fox. I am also an otherlinker but I won't get into that.

I don't do much of Qaudrobics because I was diagnosed with chronic knee pain in both knees, but I do whenever I can. One of my most abundant theriotypes are coyote. I personally have many tails, some stuffed, some clip-ons. I have a WIP mask and it has been a work in progress for a long time because I am scared to paint it.

I am a heavy believer in mother nature. I have unfortunately been entirely unable to find any religions based around the belief of her. But I'm still searching.

Some of the fandoms I'm in are; Furry, lackadaisy, fnaf, and many more. I heavily enjoy Vulture culture and my favorite sport is qaudrobics. That's all for my intro!

༺☆- The diary part -☆༻
Today I was gifted by mother nature with the sight of one of, in my opinion, the most magical creatures. A bird. Had I been a heartbeat later it would be very possible the sight would have not happened at all. I stood completely still for the first time, a full five minutes. Not even my knees caused movement. For once. I also greeted a freindly man, I had a tail on but truly, a tail doesn't change a person!

I managed to be outside for over an hour today! Until the ache in my knees from the cold sent me back inside. Where I am writing right now! I plan to go outside daily from now on. Unless of course, rain, heavy snow, extreme heat. The works. The ache in my bones has subdued greatly but that doesn't mean it's gone. It most likely won't ever be gone. Unfortunately. But hey, what can I do.

I plan to write every day after my time outside. I recently haven't had many shifts but I am unworried about such things.

See you tomorrow!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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