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Noah and Regis were walking towards the leopard king's palace . Noah was a bit worried as the king didn't send a letter this time , maybe he was in a hurry ?
Saying no to a patient never sat well with Noah.

He looked at Regis who was silently walking behind him as he followed .

" hey Regis? Tell me do you like swimming ? "
Noah asked ,this line had become some sort of conversation starter now .

" yes I do , why do you ask? "
Regis asked , he had no idea about why was he being asked such things right now .

" I guess you , winston and Curtis will get along well "
Noah said chuckling and Regis didn't understand a word about it, maybe it was a inside joke , Regis smiled back at Noah anyway.

" you said that the ape king asked you to come here in the middle of the winter right? "
Noah asked and Regis nodded .

" where exactly did you come from then ? "
Noah asked.

" neighboring city of beasts , he is friends with my father and asked him to send me here , I was really angry at this and wanted to rip his skull off , but then I saw azura , and I went like I don't regret this a bit "
Regis said ending his words as he laughed, Noah too joined him in laughing .

" right-"

Just then they heard loud sounds of growling .

They both stood on guard as they examined their surroundings.

Thry then saw a group of males approach them .

" umm , this isn't good . "
Regis muttered .

" how can you say that ? "
Noah asked him .

" Well, can't you see how they are surrounding us both right now dude ? "
Regis said as he shot daggers at those males who were surrounding them .

It was 12 of them and they were two , well it wasn't an issue at all if there are no-
" and four of them are four marked beast and rest of them are three and two marked "
Noah said as he gave Regis a nervous smile.

Ahh , he should have trusted his guts and Finn too .

" so Noah, do we have an exit strategy ?" Regis asked smiling .

" we don't have one actually " Noah said as he smiled back.

" oh ,I see , that's sad "
Regis nodded . They didn't really expect something as ominous as this happening so they didn't really blame themselves right now.

" so , what's the deal with you guys , why are you doing such cheap things like attacking two males at once "
Regis said as he looked at them , there were four tetramarked beasts , things could turn ugly anytime now.

So he looked at Noah and he seemed like he understood what Regis was trying to say , the best policy right now was stepping back after they know their enemy's identity so that they can return their favour later .

" on a scale of one to ten , how bad do you think things could get if we fi-"

" twenty "
Regis said with the brightest smile and Noah shut his mouth .

He signaled Noah to look around for an escape route and he seemed to be doing his work already.

" how dare you insult our female! "
One of the males said .

" excuse me ? "
Regis said as he gave them a wtf look . Whose female ? Which female ?

" She wants us to kill you white bird , I guess as this panther is with him , we should kill him too "
The males talked among themselves .

" Noah what in the world is going on ? "
Regis asked Noah who seemed just as clueless as he was.

" I don't know what are they even talking about . "
Noah said raising his hands in innocent . Regis was getting annoyed now, if it weren't for their strength, nothing would have been an issue .

" what should we do ? "
Regis grunted .

" I don't know "
Noah said as both the men looked around the men who were surrounding them .

" listen we're both really busy right now, we've got some real shit to do unlike you slackers OK "
Regis said with an terrifying expression on his face .

" oh really , no one has called you anywhere . I'm sure you had some shit to do with us "
And with that they started the fight . There was no opening for them to leave so they decided to fight and sneak out of it in the middle with less losses on their side .

" we don't know what you're talking about , but if you're really into violence then come on "
Regis said and Noah nodded . Can't back off now.

" fuck "
Was all regis said as he flew in air, he hated that fact that the two 4 marked beasts were ganging up on him and same went for Noah and other two four marked beastmen .

He got up and wiped the blood coming out of his mouth , he glared at them before he said ,
" who the fuck is that ugly female who dares to accuse us of insulting her ? I wanna do it for real now "
He said as he released his beast pressure .

The other male beasts seemed like they were brought there just to show manpower , they just stood there not giving a chance for Noah and Regis to escape .

" how dare you ! I'm going to kill you "
The male said as he threw a punch at Regis .

" if you had said this to me hours ago then I probably would've let you but not now "
He said as he punched back harder .

" Regis-"
Noah called out as he kicked the other beastman away.

" what ? "
He asked .

" you good at running right ? "
He asked .

" I am but why do you ask that now "
He told Noah who was busy wiping up blood on his face .

" I'll create an opening , go and call everyone "
Noah said and Regis's eyes widened.

" are you mad ,I'm not leaving you alone with these trashes "
Regis said .

Noah looked like he was on the verge of fainting , the fact that they had been beaten up like this for hours was hitting Regis hard . He too was trying his best to stay sane .

Just when they were arguing , a loud yell was heard . And they heard a familiar voice say ,
" you know, running Burns a lot of fat , how about you guys try it? "
And they saw a man with odd eyes come towards them as he glared at everyone else .

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