Chapter 62: West is the Best!

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"Take her headband!"

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"Take her headband!"

"Let's steal it and sell it on Webay!"

"We'll be rich!"

The hell are they on about? A headband will make them rich? Yeah right. Grabbing another guy by the hair, a kick to the face had him down on his knees.

But they're way too many for me to take on. At this rate, they might really steal Haru's headband. "Honey!"

Before I can try to jump on the guys, he gave me the same gesture I'd do whenever he tried to help me. With a smile, he successfully striked an opponent.

"Don't worry about me!"

"I was worried for your headband!"

He immediately frowned at my response. "It was a present." In a blink, he knocked out the rest of the guys without breaking a sweat. Haru stood over the unconscious bastards victoriously.

Cheonhak's side looks fine with his Nietszche vibes, and so does Haru. Now it's my turn.

"What the hell are you morons doing?!" Beomsang doesn't look pleased with the outcome of this fight. "All of you should attack at the same time! Use your damn brains—!"

Taking it as an opportunity, my fist collided with his face. The impact of my punch is so satisfying, it made him rub his cheeks using the back of his hand.

"You dare you hit me, Suhyeon Kim!"

I walked over to him while he chose to act all cool and tough. "How amusing. How amusing indeed." He pulled out a cigarette again.

"But Suhyeon Kim, you seem to have forgotten that I am also one of South Gangbuk's strongest fighters."

Raising up my arm and swinging it in a circular motion, I clenched my hand into a fist.


No Mercy for the Weak has been triggered.

Using the gold card I obtained last time, the Strong Against the Weak, Weak Against the Strong, it effectively triggered with a better buff.

I'm not sure how it worked in the webtoon, since it said the user's strength will increase if the opponent's endurance is lower. But Beomsang's endurance is an A, and original Suhyeon's a C.

But that doesn't matter now. My stats are completely different from the original Suhyeon after all the shit I went through. All the rigorous training I did despite not being mentioned in the webtoon. Those extra fights I involved myself in.

They all paid off.

Rather than an A, A+, B, B, C, I finally have an S, S, A, B, A+. This is a good improvement!

"Beomsang, I told you." Holding him by the collar, I flashed him a smile, the same one I had when I enjoyed beating up Hakjin. "You play dirty? I play dirty too."

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