Chapter 6 - Miss to Mrs

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 Alina's POV

 I got to spend a wonderful day  with little fay, she's so cute and eh! She can act like one big girl. I sighed and folded my prayer mat and lied down on my bed, I carried my phone and early this morning my friends have started a group chat


Nana:Heyyo nana in the house

Nabeela: Please one of you girls should come and get married, I wanna come for one my besties wedding

I decided to reply the girls.

A: good morning and beela if you want to attend a wedding, your own wedding shouldn't hurt.

  And yes I gave her a good answer, Her own wedding won't hurt

I scrolled through Instagram for a while and laughed at the reply the girls were sending.

I got up and took my bath, got ready for work, ate and zoomed to fay constructions.

Today, the CEO didn't come but I had to do some work, I also learnt that Na’im got fired.

I heaved a sigh of relief and I went back home after a long day of work.

After praying Asr, I layed on my bed and who if not uncle Abba wants to disturb my sleep. He called me twice by now, I answered and wore the veil I saw near me on my PJ'S.

As I approached the parlour I saw who even in my wildest dreams I never thought I'd see in my house.

are my eyes kidding me?

It was uncle Abba and the CEO, A lady I guess is his mother, little fay and Aunt Amani.

My heart skipped for a beat but I still entered the parlour and sat down on the floor near my uncle and greeted all of them and little fay ran to where I was seating to hug me, I hugged her back. I just have such a soft spot for this girl.

They answered in unison and then uncle Abba broke the silence.

 “I'm sure you are familiar with this face, they are here to ask you for a favour and I think it's better if you talk one on one and whatever your decision is I'll stand by you” With that he stood up together with Aunt Amani and left the living room.

Who I anticipated to be the CEOs Mother held my hand.

 “Little fay, why don't you go to Aunt Alina's room for a while”

She obeyed and ran to my room at least she still remembers it from day before yesterday.

“Alina,I'll go straight to the point today I'm here to beg you for a favour. I'm here as a grandmother today, help the future of my granddaughter.  She grew up without a mother and now that's the only thing she wants, she wants you to be her mother” My heart skipped a bit

        Mother? Me? They want me to be her mother.

“Help me please Alina, she cried more than enough yesterday. She even asked me if she is not a good girl and that's why she doesn't have a mother. She told me that she understands that her mother's fate is to die early but she deserves another mother. Alina, all this words coming from a girl of 7 years old, It's a favour if you do it we'll be glad and thankful to you for the rest of our lives and even if you refuse Alina, it's your choice” Mama said with pleaded hands.

 I quickly held her hand, it's not good for an elder to plead at you.

“Ill try my best Mama, a child is for everyone ”
 “Little fay!” Mama screamed and she came out happily with her face stuffed with chocolate.

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