The End of Kenny

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   Kenny Ettinger hasn't paid rent in 2 months and hasn't paid the monthly fee for continuing to rent in 3 months, Jeffrey Norton is the landlord and decides to take action in his own hands.  One night after Kenny returned from work, he went to his room to play Skyrim 2.
    Jeffrey unlocked the door and crept into the house. As I sit on the couch working the Xbox 5, Jeffrey creeps closer to me and punches and kicks me. He goes for my gut, I drop the controller and try to block them because I know he'd tell the cops that I started it.
   His raspy voice stabs my ears, ' You won't pay the rent...well... I’ve got a way for you to work it off, and I don't give a rat's ass about your bitching about it. Go to the closet and read that box. Follow the instructions! Before I decide to renege this offer. Not God himself can protect  harlots and bastards that dare to defy my desire!'
   I vomit, puking a red stream out and coughing up a tooth. I tried to stand up, yet I was beaten too hard. I crawl towards the nearest closet, dragging my injured body across the hardwood floor. I hesitate to regain my composure for a brief period. The lunatic tossed the coffee table on its end, shattering the glass covering it. He takes four strides and opens the door to the closet, prying it off its hinges.
     I continue to drag my body to the door and halt a couple more times. Inside the closet is a box with some kind of wax. The boomer has me strip out of my shredded clothes and wax my entire body. From the head to the ass hole, toes to my chest.
   I note that he's wearing a pair of red gloves. He steps closer, his lean muscle shutting me in. While I waxed, he unzipped the bag and took three things out of it. There was a bronze key that had calligraphy on it, a small metallic box and a plastic or latex item that he unveiled.

   His vicious glare intimidates me while my broken  hand agonizes over the feeling that this is terrible. Again, his voice cuts the terror of silence. ' I'm giving you the shot to pay your rent and repair bills if you decide to relinquish every right of your life to me! This is just the dawn of your new life that you deserve, goddammit! There's no way to change your opinion once you decide!'
   Walking up to me, he grabs my waxed cock and placed it inside the box,locking it up behind the metal. The box is the size of a fingernail and can't fit anything yet. Somehow, he consolidates my 9 inch cock and 3 inch nuts into it.
   I scream in horror as he picks me up and places me on the couch.  The tarp is flat at my feet and resembles a female body. He ordered me to put it on over my figure and put some clothes on over it. It looks like this with nipples , and the hair is a light brown.

   My landlord pulls the latex catsuit out and filmed me putting it on my body

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

   My landlord pulls the latex catsuit out and filmed me putting it on my body. I whimper in fear of the fact that he's doing this to me.

out of luckΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα