i. twenty nine - the demigods make a deal with the devil, but like literally

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words : 3479

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their legs ached from walking through the sand and alliah was having a rougher time than she would've because of the burns from her ankles and up.

grover and percy led the way, alliah keeping up but still falling a little behind. she watched as percy sidestepped and slowed his pace, backing off to join her.

"you doing okay with your legs like that?"

"yeah, they don't even hurt that bad." alliah lied - she felt like someone was dragging claws through her legs.

percy seemed to be able to tell. "we can take a break if you want."

the girl shook her head. "no way - we get your mom, then we go."


a few minutes of silence go by as they near the entrance of the bridge in the distance.

"hey, uh, percy?"


"what's your plan?"

"plan for what?"

alliah sighed. "you know - the fact that there's four of us that need to leave but we only have three pearls?"

"oh, um," percy looked down at his feet. "i'll figure it out soon, it's fine."

"is it?"

"yes, it is."

"okay, but..."

her voice trailed off as she suddenly caught whiff of something - she didn't know what it was, but it was some kind of smell.

"do you smell that?" she began to sniff around, stopping herself when she realized she must've looked crazy. "is that coming from you?"

percy's eyes widened, confused and suddenly worried.

had not being able to shower for basically the past week finally caught up to him?

"huh- wha- what do you mean?"

"that smell..." alliah stopped when she lost whiff of that smell. "never mind..."

percy hid the sense of relief he'd suddenly felt from showing on his face.

"anyway," he cleared his throat. "so, that movie, huh?"

"what movie?"

"the movie we're gonna see after all this."

alliah smiled a little. "oh right - 'wizard of sauce', right?"

percy frowned.

"i'm kidding," alliah smirked. "yeah, what about it?"

"you still down to watch it?"

"course," alliah shrugged. "i mean, someone's gotta get you in the theatres for free, right?"

"well, yeah, but..." percy sighed, suddenly avoiding her gaze. "i mean, that's not the only reason i wanna watch it with you."


"yeah, like," he began to fiddle with his thumbs as they walked, now adjusting his gaze to his feet. "i dunno - i just think it'd be cool. for us to watch a movie together cuz, well, i like you and i like the movie..."

"cool," alliah smiled, oblivious to the pink suddenly forming on the boy's cheeks. "i like you too."

"really?" percy suddenly looked up, eyes wide. "you do?"

princess // percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now