Chapter 15

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Time skips to next morning...

Lan Wangji, Lan Sizhui, and Wei Wuxian were spending their time in Jingshi.. Sizhui was talking a lot about his childhood days which he spent without Wangji and Wuxian. Both of them were also listening to him and his stories carefully and sometimes answered few questions which Sizhui asked to them. Like this they spent like 1 hour or 2 while talking.. it was nearly 7:30 morning when others started waking up and the class was about to start from 8.

"A-Yuan we had a lot of talking today and let's keep some stories for later. And yeah about the punishment.. first you will be completing the writing then Wei Ying will be starting." Said Lan Wangji.

"Okay Baba and after that I would like to go out I mean I will go to the mirror palace of Yiling and destroy this piece of Yin iron." Said Sizhui.

"Yuan.. Lan Zhan I also want to go and see the mirror palace. I want to see and know more about my parents." Said Wuxian with a pout and puppy face.

"NO.." Sizhui said in a high and rough voice.

"Yuan.." exclaimed Wuxian and Wangji.

"Ah.. I mean mumma you can not go there now because you are not that much strong now I mean you need to take care of yourself. Your wounds will open up again if you travel such a long distance plus Master Lan will also tell you harsh words which I cannot tolerate. Moreover.. you and baba are going to stay inside the library for nearly 2-3 so for now it is impossible for you to go to the mirror palace." Explained Sizhui.

"But A-Yuan.. I want to know more about my parents.." said Wuxian pouting.

"Uh.. mumma.. I know that you want to know more about Wai Zu Fu (maternal grandfather ) and Wai Po (maternal grandmother) but.. wait I have a better idea for this." Said Sizhui.

"What ?" Asked Wangji.

"Well.. mumma as you want to know more about Wai Zu Fu and Wai Po then you can ask Sect Leader Lan or Madam Lan regarding them because they were best friends so it is obvious that they will know about Wei Changze and Changse Sanren.

Also you can ask Brother-in-law I mean The Jade Emperor.. I bet that he also knows about Wai Zu Fu and Wai Po." Said Sizhui.

Listening to Sizhui for few seconds Wuxian's eyes shined with the excitement that she will get to know more about his parents but in the very next second her smile dropped and she became sad because her mind reminded her of the time when she used to ask Sect Leader Jiang.. Jiang Fengmian about her parents..

Those scenes were somewhat like... ↓

" Jiang uncle.. can you tell me something about my mother? " Said Wuxian hesitatingly.

"Sure Wuxian come on sit down." Jiang Fengmian replied in his usual tone (just like he used to speak with Wuxian in the series with politeness)

As soon as Wuxian was going to sit, she felt sharp pain in her arms like someone was holding her very harshly. Not to mention who she was.. you guys can guess.. Yu Ziyuan. She pulled Wuxian by her right arm, dragged her and threw her outside the room.

Wuxian fell on the floor and her hand got scratched because of one broken edge of the wood. She already had tears in her eyes and the situation even got worse when Madam Jiang said these lines..

"Fengmian will never take that women's name anymore and you want to know about your parents right then just stay with this that YOU ARE JUST DAUGHTER OF A SERVANT OF JIANG CLAN.
Now get lost from here and go, train the disciples. Daughter of servant."

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