Chapter 66: Striking The South Has Begun

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With a stressed sigh, I forced myself to give them a close-eyed smile

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With a stressed sigh, I forced myself to give them a close-eyed smile. "I'm fine." Gwenchanayo, haha. Now peek at you!

Just as I expected, the three are the same to Daniel. Their stats can't be viewed. One wrong move and they might actually be able to cripple me right now.

"Let me introduce you to them." Daniel initiated as if he didn't unconsciously insult my height. "This is Sunwoo Ha."

He gestured at the first guy with wavy hair. Out of the three, he seems to be the most matured from appearance alone.

"That's Taeho Cheon." I finally know the name of the guy who's the buffest of them all. He can compare to Seok Kang, actually. Those muscles can crack my neck into a different dimension with a simple act of hanging an arm around my shoulder.

He then gestured to the last guy in black. "And he's Uijin Gyeong."

"Nice to meet you all." In the end, I'm still polite and bowed down to them. Surely, they're around the same age as Daniel who seems to be around the same age as Cheonhak.

If they're older, it's only right to show respect. Except I'm not calling them oppa like Cheonhak. They don't deserve it yet.

"I'm really curious!" Taeho's voice is like a drum. It's loud, but not too loud. Get it? "What's your name?!"

Now that's the question I'm suddenly nervous to answer. Glancing up to the brunette, it seems he noticed my uneasiness.

"She is Suhyeon."

My jaw can literally drop to the ground right now. I thought he'll cover me up! Staring at him in disbelief, he ignored my betrayed expression with a smile.

What a traitor!

"Suhyeon?" Sunwoo's eyes narrowed at me, obviously realizing who I actually am. "Suhyeon Kim of West Gangbuk High?"

"Why are you hanging out with the Western Top Dog?" Uijin asked with his brows furrowed in confusion. "That is so unlike you."

Meanwhile, Taeho doesn't look like he minds at all. "Nice to meet you, Suhyeon!"

"Taeho, she's an enemy." Sunwoo remarked, informing the brainless guy who doesn't even look shocked at the revelation.

"An enemy?!" He crossed his arms with a wide smile. "Then let's fight!"

Daniel chuckled while shaking his head. "That is not possible right now, Taeho."

"Then next time!" The latter replied, eager to beat the shit out of me. Seriously, what made him think that I'm a worthy opponent?!

Just one punch and I'll keel over already!

"I don't see any reason why not." Glancing at the wavy haired guy, he held his chin in thought while staring at me. "If we bring her to him now, won't it be easier for us to conquer the South and East?"

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