-Chapter One- Happy Face

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/hey!/ put on a happy face/ then everything's okay/ put on a happy face/

-happy face, jagwar twin

Y/n's life ended the day the lanterns came back down, bringing a long-lost princess in their wake.

Y/n had been training for years to inherit the kingdom, and claim the title of queen. She had learned everything there was to know about monarchy- she'd sat through the lessons, attended all the parliamentary meetings, gone through the self-defense training, and learned about etiquette until she thought she would pass out from boredom. For Y/n's fourteen years of life, all she had ever wanted was to fulfill the one thing she had been training for. Beloved by her kingdom, cherished by her parents, with her whole life planned out... everything was perfect. And maybe, if she could be perfect, her parents would finally appreciate her for who she was, and stop comparing her to their long-lost perfect princess. She just had to be perfect. That is, until a certain barefoot brunette waltzed in and took everything that was rightfully hers.

Within mere days, Y/n's status as heir had been revoked, as tradition declared that the crown went to the oldest child. The kingdom forgot about her- why celebrate your average, run-of-the-mill(she was far from it, but obviously none of them saw that) princess, when you could celebrate an upbeat, extroverted, slightly clueless one with former magical powers and an excellent sob story? Y/n never stood a chance.

And Rapunzel was too ditzy to even notice. Why should she? After being kidnapped and returning eighteen years later, she was too busy living her fairytale of crowns and kingdoms and sparkling thrones to realize just who had to pay for it.

Apparently, she's also too ditzy to keep her voice down, Y/n thought as she waited outside Rapunzel's door. It wasn't eavesdropping, per se, just... listening. Rapunzel was having some kind of fervent discussion with Cassandra, her handmaiden, about secrets and convents. When Y/n saw the two of them sneak out that night, and saw Rapunzel return with her "magic hair", she thought that someone else would connect the dots. Despite the obvious hints, Y/n seemed to be the only person in Corona with a braincell.

The two of them were now talking about Eugene, and how he supposedly could not know about the hair situation. With a silent sigh, Y/n rolled her eyes. They were all idiots- seriously, aren't opposites supposed to attract? Hearing footsteps, Y/n turned to listen.

Confident, heavy, fast-paced. It has to be Eugene.

Taking a deep breath, Y/n straightened her shoulders and knocked on the door with the manner of someone who had just arrived.

Eugene turned the corner and stepped into view of the door at the same moment Y/n opened it. Rapunzel never responded to people knocking anyway- this was justified. Y/n scowled, feeling the instant flood of anger that filled her every time she saw her older sister. Just pretend, just put on a happy face. Say you're fine. Tell them everything's alright. Neither of the women inside heard the door opening, and Y/n could just make out Cassandra saying "Please, don't tell Eugene."

"Tell Eugene what?" Eugene said behind Y/n, leaning on her and using her head as an armrest. Does he ever wipe that stupid smirk off his face? "Come on, are you guys keeping secrets?"

Y/n shoved him off coldly, then fixed her face back into something resembling happiness.

"Oh! Y/n, Eugene! Hi!" Rapunzel exclaimed, a nervous smile crossing her face. Wow. I hope this woman never has to play poker. "Eugene, it's not really a secret, it's more like a... sensitive situation."

Eugene scoffed incredulously. "Sensit- S- Ha! Sensitive? And you think Cassandra's gonna help?" he asked, gesturing widely in Cass's direction. "Blondie, I've met glaciers with more warmth and compassion." He glanced at Cassandra. "And move faster, she's slow." Eugene knelt down, taking Rapunzel's hands in his. "Rapunzel, it's me, Eugene. Whatever's going on, you can tell me."

If Y/n could roll her eyes any harder at this display, she certainly would.

Rapunzel sighed. "I know I can, it's just-"

Cassandra interrupted, saying the thing that Y/n's older sister was probably thinking. "I don't trust you! You have a big mouth."

This got a small snort out of Y/n as she casually leaned against the doorframe. At least they could be in agreement on that.

Eugene scoffed again. "I do not! Name one time I blew a secret." He crossed his arms.

Everyone in the room, including Y/n, though she was currently fading into the background, winced simultaneously as they remembered the countless times that Eugene had blown secrets.

Eugene let out an incredulous groan. "I said one time! Y/n, you'd trust me with a secret, right?" he asked, turning to her. This was answered with the raise of a single eyebrow, and a subsequent sigh from Eugene. "Rapunzel, you're really not gonna tell me?" he asked, turning back to Rapunzel, who looked up at him with an upset- pitiful- expression. "I'm sorry..." she spoke, her voice barely a whisper.

Eugene straightened his posture and walked towards the door, where Y/n was still casually leaning. "Fine!" he exclaimed. "But you should know that I have things I keep from you. Lots of things!"

Y/n smirked. "Name one."

Eugene paused, then returned her smug smile with a mischievous one of his own. Ugh, the thought of engaging in any interaction with this man made her skin crawl- but she had to keep up the face. Don't show them any of this- as far as they know, you're just teasing your sister's boyfriend, and you're just humorously annoyed.

"Pete, the guard, is terrified of mimes!" said Eugene, sounding very pleased with himself, not seeing Pete himself stroll past.

"Hey!" whined Pete, before his expression turned to one of fear. "They see things that aren't there!"

Suddenly, that mime that Y/n had seen around Rapunzel- Ulf, was it?- appeared behind Pete, pulling on an invisible rope. He paused to wave at the four of them before continuing. Y/n could vaguely hear Eugene trying to bail himself out- "No, it was a different Pete the guard! You don't even know him!"- but she was more focused on the uneasy looks that Cassandra and Rapunzel shared. What happened that night I saw them sneaking out? I thought I'd won over these idiots- why won't they tell me?

─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───

It was later in the day, and Y/n, Rapnuzel and Cassandra were outside. Rapunzel was sitting on a gazebo, reading a book Y/n didn't care enough to discover the context of. Y/n leaned against one of the columns next to Rapunzel as Cassandra approached the two of them, crouching next to Rapnuzel. "So, I was thinking about your hair- maybe there's a way we can discreetly try to get some answers. Just the three of us. I might know someone who can help."

Rapunzel sighed. "I still think you're being unfair about Eugene. But, hey- Y/n, this could be a bonding experience!" Y/n smiled weakly and tried to suppress the disgust bubbling up inside her. "So who is this friend of yours?" asked Y/n nonchalantly, taking a few steps over to where Rapunzel and Cassandra were crouched.

Cassandra looked around furtively, before putting her hand to her mouth and whispering. "His name is Varian, and he's some kind of... wizard."

Rapunzel gasped. "Wow! A real wizard?" she asked, although the question seemed rhetorical. "Do you think he'll have one of those pointy hats, and, like, a robe? Do you think he'll cast spells and stuff?" Y/n wrinkled her nose at Rapunzel's blatant stereotype. "Probably not, if we're being honest with ourselves..."

"Y/n's right, I don't think so." said Cassandra, sounding distressed. "Very little is known about Varian, and what is... isn't good. Some say he's dangerous."

Rapunzel's face fell, before her expression again returned to a hopeful one. "But if we want answers, he's our best bet." She paused, and Y/n could practically hear her braincells buffering. "Right?"

Cassandra let out a noncommittal "uh-huh" sound.

Rapunzel stood up, and Cassandra followed, the two of them reaching Y/n's level once again. "So! Sounds like we have a wizard to visit. Y/n, you ready?"

Y/n took a deep breath. Let's start the show. "Ready as I'll ever be."

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