Chapter 73: Is Haru a Guy or a Girl?

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Since I'm about to drop dead due to having the urge to sleep already, I just passed on the judgement instead of having this lengthy discussion

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Since I'm about to drop dead due to having the urge to sleep already, I just passed on the judgement instead of having this lengthy discussion. "Jaeha!"

He raised a brow at me. "What?"

"You can have him." I effortlessly gave up, earning a surprised gasp from my advisor.

Jihyeok went on to shake the living daylights out of me by the shoulder. "My liege?! Did the lack of sleep affect your decisions?!"

"Bitch!" I had to force myself to keep my eyes open or else I'll really pass out. "I can barely stay conscious right now! I need my fucking sleep!"

"Fine by me." Jaeha grinned victoriously. Ofcourse, he literally had the easiest way to recruit Suck-Seok.

I looked back to him while Jihyeok still held me by the collar. "But in return, you won't take Yugyeom."

He stared at me for a few seconds while I patiently awaited his response. "And what if I say no?"

"You're being greedy!" I argued with a frown, still unbothered by the advisor's rants.

Jaeha raised a brow at me. "You're the one who said being greedy is part of the recruitment." He fired back, causing me to blink my eyes in realization.

Damn, how nice of him to use my words against me.

I closed my eyes and huffed out a sigh. "No date then!"


His response made me reopen my eyes to look at him, even Jihyeok stopped shaking me by the shoulders. He took the initiative to ask what the tan thug meant. "No date?"

Jaeha turned around, probably to leave already after recruiting Seok Kang without breaking a sweat. "You can have that criminal."

The advisor soon rejoiced as we managed to get a win after a loss, while I approached the white haired guy who remained silent.

"Yugyeom Na." Calling out to his name, he looked down on me, then to the hand that I offered for a handshake. A smile curved into my lips. "Will you join our crew?"

Since he's already untied from the ropes that binded him earlier, he's able to raise his hand and accept mine.

Yugyeom Na has joined your crew.

With that, the main quest is also announced to be completed.

Back to West Gangbuk territory...

"We've finally returned!"

All of us stood inside the room we would always gather for a meeting.

"It was a truly lengthy battle." Jihyeok commented, in which I nodded at.

"You're right, but we gained a lot." Gesturing towards the formidable recruited talents, I smiled proudly. "The new members of our fam!"

Jihyeon Lee is now ranked 8th in West Gangbuk High. Hakjin Ju stood in the middle, who's now ranked 9th. While on the other side is Dong-U Wang, ranked 10th.

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