Sins Unveiled - Chapter 7

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They entered the hideout, a solemn atmosphere filled the air, marked by the sound of a grave conversation taking place.

"Now that our exact location is known, it's imperative to initiate our contingency plans meticulously to minimize damages and ensure the safety of our members during the impending confrontations. Jiighual and Nert, take up the night patrol. I need time to strategize and address the aftermath of today's events," Zach commanded with a sense of urgency, his mind grappling with the complexities of the situation as he prepared to unveil his plans to the Renaissance band.

Jiighual, nursing his wounded arm with a clean cloth, nodded in agreement. Nert, holding an ice pack to soothe his swollen nose from the earlier punch, also acknowledged the plan. Ruby'ck and Leeani expressed their concurrence, recognizing the need for caution and strategic execution.

Jiighual and Nert emerged from the confines of the hideout, their figures blending seamlessly into the shadows as they embarked on their patrol, vigilant against the looming threats that could unfurl in the darkness. The night whispered secrets, and their duty was to unveil them before they could manifest into perilous realities.

"Excellent. Leeani, take the post as the lookout. Don't forget your dagger for close encounters," Zach instructed, his tone carrying the weight of vigilance.

"Affirmative, captain. I'll commence my duties as the lookout now."

"Wait a moment, before you proceed. Provide me with a status report on the whereabouts and conditions of the other members," Zach requested, his tone firm and authoritative.

"Gargeal, Andhur, and Qarek are still exploring potential new havens as part of our contingency plans for they haven't come back yet. Kazakz and Yzavynne are en route, returning from their day's patrol across the mountains and forests to assess potential threats," Leeani informed.

"Understood. Proceed with your lookout duties for today," Zach ordered.

"Alright, captain," Leeani acknowledged, ready to assume her role with diligence.

Leeanie gracefully advanced into the role of lookout for the night, stepping beyond the shelter of the hideout into the mysterious embrace of the evening. Zach, inquisitive, turned his attention to Ruby'ck.

"Why linger there, Ruby'ck?" Zach questioned.

"Uhm, waiting for your orders", she replied.

"No specific orders for you tonight. However, there's something I've withheld since your introduction," he confessed, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air."

"We transcend ordinary mortality, honed by Gargeal's relentless training and bestowed with genes that surpass human limits. Excellence is interwoven in every aspect of our existence. "

"Swift learners, our minds surpass the average in cognitive prowess. Enhanced senses tie us intimately to our surroundings. Our bodies regenerate swiftly, showcasing extraordinary healing abilities.""Our bones, robust yet light, serve as armor against physical assaults. Sharpened reflexes and agility grant us unparalleled grace. Endowed with supernatural gifts, we wield them not for benevolence but as weapons against humanity."

"A dark purpose propels our journey, each capability harnessed to carve a path toward our elusive goal." 

Zach elucidated, his words carrying the weight of a destiny shaped by forces beyond the ordinary.

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