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You continue to take Sukuna around the village until night falls and it was suppertime. A large bonfire was lit in the center of the village, near the great Mother Tree.

The village was very closely linked, having supper together every now and then in large groups usually for celebration. In this case, they were celebrating a new member: Sukuna.

There would be dances, music, food, a feast! It was always fun no matter how many times it had happened. Although the villagers consisted of numerous households, they all treated each other as though they were one big family.

As the food was cooked by the women of the village, the men would sing and dance and there would be performances as well as tons of booze.

The large bonfire was the only source of light for the area, but it was warm and soothing. Your heart melted by the sight of your loved ones surrounding you.

You sit with a large group of children, dragging a reluctant Sukuna along with you. He grumbles but falls quiet as the drunken men dance and sing, entertaining the kids while food was being made.

You clap along happily and play with the children. Sukuna looked as though he absolutely did not want to be there. And he really didn't.

One of the children approaches Sukuna and tries to drag him to the front by the bonfire with the dancing men. The sorcerer grimaces in disgust and shoo's her off to which you nudge him.

"You should dance with them! You're the cause of the celebration after all," You grin.

Sukuna looks away with disinterest, "I am to watch not join in."

"And who says that?" You tilt your head to lock eyes with him.

Sukuna is breathless at the sight of the warm fire illuminating your flawless features.

". . . I did," He blinks.

A mischievous smile stretches across your face, "You hesitated."

"Did not."

You roll your eyes, "You-"

You were cut off by the music coming to a stop and the men taking seats on the ground, cheering and laughing. The kids then burst in volume as food was served.

Wooden bowls and plates were passed along and shared, full of curry and delicious dishes Sukuna had never seen nor tried before.

"Try this! You'll love it!" You scoop some food from your plate onto his.

Sukuna was served a large plate whether it was because he was the celebration or because of his great size, you didn't know.

Before you knew it, the women took the place of the men and began dancing with the music. Flutes and drums and strings harmoniously sounded the area.

One of the ladies whom you were acquaintances with linked arms with you and dragged you out in front of the bonfire to dance. You break out into a grin and your blades tag along.

Cheers erupted as you assembled to the middle and swiftly moved to the music with the ladies. Sukuna pretended not to care, but he admits you were indeed good at dancing.

It was strange but you made it look so elegant especially with the addition of the blades following your movements.

You were the blade dancer after all.

You were breathless but that never wiped the smile off your face as you twirled with the women. The cheers of men and children and the elderly never faltered.

Sukuna devoured his entire plate as a distraction to keep himself from watching you dance. He didn't want to give you the satisfaction of him enjoying it.

But he had nothing else to do but watch, so he tried to be nonchalant. Oh, but how happy you looked. Your smile stretched from ear to ear and there was a droplet of sweat off your chin.

As disheveled you were, he found you to be beautiful. Especially with the joy radiating off of you. Sukuna found himself unable to look away.

Sei notices this as she scrutinized him from the distance. A knowing smile grows on her face and she turns her attention to you dancing with the ladies; satisfied.

Sukuna was nudged to join (he didn't bother finding out who it was because he was so immersed with the sway of your hips muahahah) but he sat there like a large stone, unable to budge.

The music ends and you were left breathless as the audience roars in cheers. You bow in respect to the other ladies and compliment them, then taking your seat beside Sukuna.

Sei approaches you, and twirls your hair with her finger, "I like the new look. And great job out there! Everyone loved the performance."

You try to even out your breathing but you need a moment to catch your breath. The best you could do was hum and smile at her in gratitude.

The area was quieter and very cozy with children running about and laughing, the small tune of a stringed instrument and drums, the men drinking and playing board games, it was all so lovely.

Sukuna swallows his pride and utters, "You weren't half bad out there."

Your breathing was more steady, but still heavy with the quick pace of your heart, "Oh? The King of Curses compliments a mere mortal?"

He shrugs you off and looks away as he sips his wine, "It wasn't a compliment. I was only pointing out how decent you performed."

You roll your eyes and turn to Sei who was to the other side of you. Sukuna sulks a bit at this now that your attention was directed elsewhere, but he was immediately greeted by the people of the village placing gift baskets beside him.

He grimaces, "What am I supposed to do with all this junk?"

You scowl at him from over your shoulder as Sei peeks over at him, "Keep it or use it, of course."

Sukuna rolls his eyes, "It's useless. Just tell them to stop."

You pinch one of his arms, "Don't be rude. They're welcoming you. Be grateful, you scum."

An irk appears on his temple as he glares at you, "Excuse me? You dare to-"

Another song and performance starts and you ignore him, singing and clapping along. Sei sends him a smug look and joins you.

Sukuna's eye twitches. I swear I'll kill them all.

But he couldn't. His powers were sealed and you now posed a threat to him with your mysterious but capable blades. He couldn't risk anything except play along, especially since the forest won't let him leave.

However, even with the length of his stay is unknown, Sukuna needs to analyze the area and find whatever secrets he can. An enemy out there is willing to pay him handsomely to expose Aokigahara's interior, as no one has ever been able to infiltrate it before.

Sukuna grins to himself sinisterly, They won't see what's coming.

- - -

so evil sukuna T3T

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