Tactical Triumph - Chapter 12

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"Time to move, everyone," declared Zach, the fire of determination flickering in the eyes of each band member. In that charged moment, the weight of his command echoed, a rallying cry to face the impending challenges that lay ahead.

Everyone seemed determined and serious moving swiftly as what their Captain just instructed. Burning all the things that might reveal their whereabouts or informations that can be used against them.

In the quietude of their hideout, while the other members sought refuge outside the hideout, Zach remained ensconced in the meeting room. His gaze, fixed upon the blue book, echoed the weight of unspoken burdens, his eyes devoid of expression. "What now?" he uttered, the question a poignant echo in the stillness.

Observing Zach's prolonged absence, Ruby'ck, engaged in the task of gathering and burning materials with the others, felt a rising curiosity. Why hadn't Zach emerged from the meeting room? Driven by the nagging question, she retraced her steps and ventured back into the room.

Upon entering, she found Zach, his eyes numb and fixated on the same book she had glimpsed from the mountain cliffs. "Hello, Zach," she greeted, her smile warm and genuine, but met with a neutral response from him. Undeterred, Ruby'ck retreated momentarily, her usual warmth replaced by a furrowed brow as she approached Zach, noting the emptiness of the book's pages.

"What's with that book? Why is it empty?" Ruby'ck inquired, her curiosity tinged with concern.

"It's jus--" Zach began, only to be interrupted by her determined insistence. "No. No avoiding my questions this time. Why does your face seem burdened by thoughts that detach you from reality? What is bothering you? You can tell me. No, tell me," Ruby'ck implored with a serious tone, her warm demeanor momentarily replaced by a genuine concern etched on her face.

In the midst of her serious inquiry, Zach grappled with the realization that evading her questions might not be the wisest choice this time. The girl he knew for her lively face and bright smile now confronted him with a seriousness that demanded acknowledgment.

"It all began when I found it at the age of 7, during a break from training with Gargeal," Zach began, his words carrying the weight of a long-held secret. "It's a book that reveals the future, where I am the main character. There were no visible authors, just a boy intrigued by its mysterious contents. I followed every word meticulously, and expectedly as what was written in the book, Gargeal followed me every step of the way. The book became my reason for existing, a roadmap through the mundane. But now, I've reached the end, and it doesn't reveal how my story concludes," Zach confessed with a haunting emptiness in his eyes and voice, laying bare the intricacies of a destiny that seemed elusive.

"The narrative reached its poignant conclusion as I discovered you here, seeking refuge, as we flee without a trace and hidden ourselves from everyone", Zach conveyed.

Behold Zach, the indomitable Captain steering the formidable Renaissance band to unparalleled heights of strength and fear. The visionary founder, he commands both respect and terror within the group, renowned for his supernatural prowess and lethal skills that make adversaries quiver. Unfettered by the shackles of the Seven Deadly Sins, Zach emerges as an enigmatic force, standing tall at 5'9, weighing 78 kg, with a cascade of black hair and hazel eyes that defy the ordinary. In the hands of Zach, the claymore sword becomes not just a weapon but an extension of his indomitable will, a symbol of the power and dominance he exudes as a leader in the perilous journey of the Renaissance.

At the tender age of 18, Zach stands as the paragon of strategy, strength, and agility within the band. While Gargeal imparts the physical might and nimbleness necessary for combat, Zach takes up the mantle of survival, instilling the essentials and fundamentals crucial for navigating the treacherous paths of existence. In the realm of Renaissance, he isn't just a leader; he's an architect of destiny, forging a legacy that resonates with power, mystery, and the relentless pursuit of survival.

 In the realm of Renaissance, he isn't just a leader; he's an architect of destiny, forging a legacy that resonates with power, mystery, and the relentless pursuit of survival

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