Tactical Triumph - Chapter 15

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Two grueling days unfolded as they relentlessly pressed northward to reunite with Gargeal, Qarek, and Andhur. The journey proved arduous, requiring nimble acrobatics as they navigated the dense forest, leaping skillfully between trees to erase any trace for the keen noses of tracking dogs.

In the aftermath of their vanishing act, an assembly of nearly a thousand skilled warriors—assassins, fighters, rogues, marksmen, paladins, and more—descended upon the mountainous woods. They meticulously combed through the vast expanse, either in organized groups or lone wolves. Despite a full day of searching, their efforts yielded nothing. The hideout remained elusive, and the clever evasion tactics left the warriors seething with frustration.

In the midst of the furious crowd, a mysterious figure emerged, towering and robust, flanked by one formidable companion. The air thickened with anticipation as the enigmatic duosurveyed the scene.

"Pathetic," thundered the mysterious man, his disdain echoing through the air.

The multitude of highly skilled warriors tightened their formation, responding to the insult. A towering paladin with a height of 6'8, encased in formidable iron armor, confronted the enigmatic figure with a piercing stare.

Tension hung heavy in the air, the onlookers holding their breath as an intense standoff unfolded between the paladin and the mysterious man. The anticipation among the crowd was palpable, the expectation of an imminent clash adding to the suspense.

Suddenly, with an unexpected burst of power, the mysterious man delivered a thunderous punch to the paladin's head. Despite the resilient iron helm, the force shattered it, leaving the paladin dazed. The mysterious man effortlessly hoisted the heavily armored warrior overhead before the paladin recovers quickly to unsheathed his sword. He hurled his opponent a staggering 20 meters away, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Out of my way, pathetic garbage," declared the mysterious man with a tone that brooked no argument.

Silence gripped the witnessing warriors, astonished at the display of strength. The once-confident paladin lay defeated, and the crowd stood in awe, acknowledging the mysterious man's prowess. Whispers spread among them, recognizing the unparalleled strength comparable to Jiighual from the Renaissance band.

"This guy possesses unnatural strength," they muttered, a mix of admiration and fear coloring their words as they grappled with the newfound threat.

The duo continued their focused effort to discern the direction the Renaissance band had taken, their intimidating aura keeping the onlooking crowd silent and apprehensive.

Observing the scene, Sanaage shared his insights with his companion, the mysterious man from earlier.

"Given their sharp intellects and strategic thinking, I've reached a conclusion," Sanaage stated.

The mysterious man inquired, "What is it?"

"Considering their abrupt disappearance and the absence of any traces, it's highly likely they've set up those footprints to mislead us further away. The footprints don't exhibit significant variation in shoe type, suggesting a single individual set them. Now, regarding their location, given that the tracking dogs couldn't detect them, it's probable they've ascended the trees and used that method to distance themselves. When you connect the dots, they've climbed the trees, leaped between branches, rendering the tracking dogs useless. Considering they set up the footprints to lure us away, it's probable they've headed in the opposite direction, specifically North. While there's a 30% chance they ventured East or West, the higher probability, at 70%, is that they headed North. That's the summary, Xertu," Sanaage conveyed, presenting a detailed and logically backed analysis of the situation.

"Remarkable analysis, Sanaage," Xertu acknowledged in a subdued tone.

Meet Xertu, an enigmatic figure towering at an imposing 7'4, weighing a solid 148 kg, his physique finely honed for combat.

Meet Xertu, an enigmatic figure towering at an imposing 7'4, weighing a solid 148 kg, his physique finely honed for combat

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Xertu's face

And there's Sanaage, the man who effortlessly sliced Jiighual and sent Nert to sleep. Standing at 6'3, weighing 96 kg, every inch of his muscular frame meticulously crafted for battle.

 Standing at 6'3, weighing 96 kg, every inch of his muscular frame meticulously crafted for battle

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Sanaage's face

"We shall unveil to them the essence of true fear," Xertu proclaimed in a hushed tone.

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