Chapter 8- Fate

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At this moment, I don't know whether screaming is the best solution. I feel as if I've been tied and given two options that lead to the same place.and that's basically one option!
 I know even if no-one says it, another baby is needed if mine doesn't match fay's and cousins? We will try but if it doesn't match a baby is needed and that baby? Is just a 1 out 4 chances match.

Will I loose my daughter? She's the only memory I have of my wife.

 I sat back and Aunt Amani decided to comfort me, she was the only one who could sense I needed support or they all can see it but decided to overlook it?

“Son, calm down it is a bad phase but we'll overcome it In Sha Allah.”

It's been four hours already and Uncle Abba already left with Umair and Aunt Amani to get food and stuffs ready.

Mama also left to bring some stuffs for fay, the only person left was me and Alina's mother.
Alina's mother arrived two hours ago.

I entered the ward room were Alina was lying down,she was alone in the room I guess her mum went out. she looked really helpless and all I could do was sit near her and hold her other hand.

“I'm really sorry Alina for being a coward for you and for our daughter”

I sighed and placed my head on her hands, minutes later I felt that she was moving, heck!  She removed her hands from my grip.

“What are you doing here?” She managed to gather her words together

“What do you mean Alina, I'm your husband!”

She gave me a look that had hundred of meanings.

“My husband? No you are only fay's husband if you could see her even in that type is situation then Azeez. I'm sorry you're long gone, No-one can save you ”

 “I'm sorry Alina”

She didn't even spare me a look.

“I'm a coward, I know I'm a cowardly but I promise to be better”

“How? How? Azeez how? When you're not trying to get over your wife. Heck! We all know the Pain you've been through but will you get stuck in your past, to the extent of risking your daughter's life. She's the only memory you have left of your wife, Did you forget how she survived? Through another woman's womb. Do you want to loose it all? Didn't your wife ask you to take care of her daughter and what the fuck are you doing? Is little fay even safe with you, what of I wasn't there today?”

“Alina.....” She didn't allow me to finish my statement

“Azeez, please get out!”


She started to scream“ GET OUT!”

Her mother quickly came inside the room and gave me the 'GET OUT' Look.

I shamelessly left the room and not one of the words she said Shaked me like do you want to loose it all?

No, I don't want to loose it and my daughter's life is at stake, I need a bone marrow transplant and I don't even know how to break this news to Alina. She doesn't even want to see me, I left the hospital's premises to go and pray.

I offered my zuhr and asr prayer, I prayed for my family. Family? Did I just say family? I never considered Alina as mine , to me she's just little fay's mother and a life saviour.

She risked her life today for my today and also tried to take a life! This makes me see her in a different light yeah!

She loves little fay just like a mother.

I prayed and left the mosque back to the hospital, I entered the hospital Aunt Amani and Umair were back already.

“Son, why don't you go and rest” She said, this woman is the only one who has been considerate to me.

“Alina is awake already, she has eaten and she has been asking of fay. They are together now but no-one told her that fay has leukemia yet! So..” Mama said as she came out of the ward.

“Fay.She's also awake?” I asked without even knowing I blurted it out

 “Yes” A Simple and short answer was all Mama muttered before going back in while Aunt Amani and Umair followed her.

I'm sure with the way Mam looked at me, Fay has told her everything. That girl doesn't know how to control her mouth ever. I'm Alina's husband for God's sake. I'm supposed to be inside.

Husband? Even me I'm laughing at myself.

Well, it was night already and I prayed my magrib prayer and went back to the hospital room.

No matter what Alina has to listen to me. I entered the ward room and she turned her head to the other direction after her eyes came in contact with mine.

“What are you doing here?”Umair's question sounded like a threat but still I mustered the courage and showed him who's boss.

“I want to see and talk to my wife in private and I believe I have that right!”I answered as if daring him to deny me.

None of the women uttered a word, they all stood up and left but of course Umair has to say something to hurt my ego.

“It's now that you remember she's your wife, mtsssw!”

He stormed out and I moved closer to Alina and sat on her bed.

“Alina, please I want you to listen to me just this once” I believed she'll give me listening ears this time around so I decided to continue.
“ I'm really sorry for what I did but seeing my wife in that position again....”

“Your wife?” She asked sarcastically

 “Alina, look I'll go straight to the point. I want us to work on this marriage, I don't promise to love you but I promise I'll be a good husband and I'll try as much as possible to forget about my past” Okay I guess I said that because of the heat of the moment because I need her for a baby I need to save my daughter but forgetting my last will be really hard.

“Azeez don't deceive yourself, you can't forget your past unless you move on”

“That's what I'm trying to do, let's work on this marriage and there's something they're not telling you. Little fay has been diagnosed with leukemia and needs bone marrow transplant, if mine doesn't match hers and if her cousins also don't match then a half sibling is our only option and also a half sibling is only 1 out of 4 chances match! That means a half sibling is not even a guaranteed solution”

“So have the test been conducted?” She said becoming teary eyed and worried. That's why they didn't tell her in the first place.

“No they'll conduct it tomorrow, her cousin will be here tomorrow”

• And Chapter Eight is a wrap!

•Written And Published On 23rd March, 2024

•Edited And Republished On 19th May 2024

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