Chapter Twenty-One | Repeat

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He was in that place again.

The endless darkness.

Elijah looked around, but he wasn't so confused this time. He knew that he was dreaming; however, he wasn't sure why he was there.

Or why he was looking at the black-haired, red-eyed, pale man again.

Their gazes locked, and a strange sense of familiarity fell over Elijah. The man's eyes, the man's stare.... Elijah knew who he was—at least he knew where he saw him. This was the man he saw standing by the kiosk not long ago; this man in his dreams was the same man he saw in the real world...and the realization made the demon feel uneasy. Why was he seeing a man from his dreams in the real world?

Was he going mad?

No. He knew better than to think in such a mundane way. There had to be a reason that he kept seeing this man, but he'd not find out unless he knew who he was.

"Eli..." the man called from afar, his lips not moving.

"Who are you?" Elijah called back.

"Find me..." the voice echoed, slithering around him.

Elijah took a step forward. The water at his feet rippled, as it did at the footfall of the other man, who also stepped towards him. "Find you how?" he asked, taking another step.

"Find them..." the voice chimed as the black-haired man moved nearer, mirroring Elijah's steps.

The demon frowned confusedly. "Find who?"

But the man didn't reply.

Elijah stopped walking and frowned harder. "Find who?!" he exclaimed.

In the blink of an eye, the black-haired man appeared in front of Elijah. He reached out his hand, his fingertips adorned with claws much like Elijah's but as black as the darkness they stood in.

With a hostile scowl, Elijah stepped back, avoiding the man's grasp.

The man didn't lower his hand; he slowly twisted it, positioning it as if he were holding Elijah's throat. "Find us," the man said, and this time, his lips moved, revealing four devilish fangs in his mouth.

Four fangs that looked much like Elijah's.

It was then that Elijah thought he pulled something together from the scraps that had been given to him. He felt like he knew this man, and although he didn't know who he was, he suspected that he now knew what he was. Could he be a sangdevoro demon? Or perhaps the Ancient sangdevoro? Was he reaching out? Or was this Elijah's subconscious trying to tell him something?

He didn't know. There wasn't enough to go off. But one thing was for sure: somehow, someway, he knew this man...and he had to do what he was telling him.

He had to find him.

He had to find them.

But who were they?

Elijah stared into the man's red eyes, searching for the answers. "How do I find them?" he asked.

The man twisted his hand again, his eyes examining Elijah's face. "The doctor," he said, his voice echoing, ringing in the demon's ears.

"Which doctor?"

He didn't immediately answer. His eyes looked Elijah up and down, and he slowly pulled his hand away.

Daegelus | Volume One: Subject 0333Where stories live. Discover now