Tactical Triumph - Chapter 20

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Zach advanced towards the forest, the weighty, deliberate footsteps of an unknown colossal being reverberated, steadily growing closer and more ominous. The once serene forest echoed with the disturbance as birds hastily scattered, sensing the imminent clash. He discovered Kazaks and Leeani on the verge of the forest's darkness.

As Zach drew nearer, transitioning from a run to a measured walk, the distant colossal footsteps abruptly ceased. Nature's symphony paused, giving way to an impending confrontation as Zach addressed his comrades.

"Leeani, find a vantage point and stay hidden. Kazaks, go to the--," Zach's words were interrupted when, in a flash, an assailant emerged from behind a nearby tree, poised to decapitate Leeani. In mere milliseconds, Kazaks skillfully parried with his war hammer, disarming the assailant, and delivered a forceful front kick, hurling the man a considerable distance of 10 meters. Despite blocking the kick with his arm, the assailant fell to the ground.

Swiftly pulling Leeani behind him, Kazaks wore a furious expression, ready to engage. "Are you alright, Leeani?" he queried, concern etched on his face.

"I'm okay. I just wasn't expecting that--," Leeani began but halted, stunned to recognize the man they had encountered before.

"So it's you and your wretched machete again, Sanaage," Leeani uttered with fiery indignation, recalling a past encounter where he had humiliated her marksmanship skills.

Sanaage rose, retrieving his machete, the tension in the air heightened, setting the stage for an imminent confrontation. "Calm down, little girl. I almost cleaved your head from your body. You are in no position to talk. You're just lucky that you have your ally beside you," Sanaage sneered, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "Although, with your aim, I wouldn't be surprised if you mistook your own head for a target. It's a miracle you've made it this far without shooting yourself."

Amidst the unfolding chaos, Zach remained a stoic figure, an unmoving presence in the midst of turmoil. Kazaks, noticing his captain's apparent stillness, urgently called out, his voice cutting through the silent tension like a blade.

"Captain Zach!"

Zach, jarred from his contemplation, responded with a simple admission, "Apologies."

Kazaks, though acknowledging the apology, swiftly redirected the focus, his eyes narrowing with determination. "It's alright, Captain Zach! We must focus right here, right now."

The words lingered in the charged air, a colossal figure emerged, a giant of a man wielding an enormous halberd with a weight of over 100 kg, silently joining the unfolding conversation.

"Counting isn't your strong suit, is it? 1...2...3. There's only three of you here? How would this be a fair fight?" scoffed the unknown man, a smirk betraying his confidence in the impending confrontation.

"Why did it take you so long to catch up, Xertu?" Sanaage inquired.

"It's an immense enjoyment witnessing your adept humiliation of these Renaissance misfits; it's truly a delight to behold," Xertu responded with a sly grin, his words laced with a subtle hint of mockery towards the beleaguered group.

As the verbal exchange unfolded between the two adversaries, calculated to incite a reaction, Zach uttered quiet words under his breath, "Kazaks, reveal your true essence. Let them witness the embodiment of Wrath within our band."

Kazaks' piercing gaze, fixated on the adversaries before him, swiftly transformed into a maniacal smirk, a harbinger of the impending onslaught. "AAAAAAAAAAA!! BEHOLD THE MIGHT OF WRATH WITHIN THE RENAISSANCE!!" he bellowed, hurtling toward them with an astonishing velocity of 11 meters per second.

In response, Sanaage rapidly closed the distance, matching Kazaks' velocity with an almost equal swiftness. "Reveal your strength! Wrath!" he challenged, his words laced with a taunting edge.

The distance dwindled, Kazaks unleashed an onslaught, launching a rapid succession of eight strikes with his war hammer within mere seconds. Each blow intensified in both power and speed, creating a formidable barrage. However, Sanaage's expertise in parrying, complemented by his nimble maneuvers and swift reflexes, rendered him virtually untouchable, even against the might of Kazaks, the second strongest member representing the seven deadly sins among their ranks.

"Pathetic, Kazaks," Sanaage sneered, effortlessly sidestepping each of the consecutive strikes Kazaks hurled his way. "You bring forth the so-called 'strength of Wrath,' yet here you stand, a mere caricature of power. Your blows lack finesse, and your speed is nothing more than a clumsy attempt. Is this the best the Renaissance band can offer? I expected more, but alas, it seems the rumors of your prowess were nothing but exaggerated tales."

Zach made a swift move towards the intense and fast-paced clash between Kazaks and Sanaage, his intention to lend aid was abruptly thwarted by the colossal figure of Xertu. The giant, who had seemingly teleported from his previous position, now stood before Zach, creating an insurmountable barrier between him and the escalating confrontation. 

A tense stillness enveloped the scene as both stood locked in an intense gaze, their eyes reflecting the brewing storm of conflict and anticipation.

"You're not going anywhere, little boy. It's between you and me," Xertu sneered, his face contorting into a menacing smile. 

With his towering figure of 7'4, Xertu cast a condescending gaze upon Zach, his formidable presence enveloping the smaller figure of the Renaissance band's captain.

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