63. Queen Chandralekha

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Indrajeet POV

"Where is the evidence, Prince Indrajeet?"

One of the army men interrogated, disturbing our conversations.

"Here is the evidence."

I groaned, taking out two scrolls of cloth bag that was hanging near my waist, tucked in the belt of my dhoti.

"What is this?" 

One of them asked, thinning his brows.

"The letter that was sent to the judiciary under the name of Maharaj Vishwaroop."

I could feel Chandralekha bhabhi's breath hitching at the mention of her father's name. The army men of Devgarh stole a glance of one another.

"This letter was never written by Maharaj Vishwaroop."

I declared, all the gazes were anchored at me as I plunged my hand again inside the cloth bag to pick out two other scrolls.

"This one is a royal letter of Devgarh, and this one belongs to Vijaygarh."

I showed them two different letters, other than what I had brought, to show them the difference between the royal letters of both the kingdoms. I pointed at the royal stamp of Vijaygarh's letter, which was blackish in colour, with the kingdom's name embedded on it.

Everyone nodded.

I pointed my finger at the other scroll on which Devgarh's royal stamp was embarked, that was red in colour.

"Did you notice the difference in the colour?"

I asked, and everyone nodded, humming in their mouths.

"This difference is discernible because Vijaygarh uses animal blood to prepare the seal for royal letters, like blood is mixed in that liquid, so it turns black after a few days, meanwhile Devgarh uses pure lac to prepare the seal liquid, so it remains red forever."

I elucidated to everyone, and all of them agreed with me unanimously.

"Now look at this one."

I brought out that letter again, which was used to frame Maharaj Vishwaroop.

"The royal stamp does belong to Devgarh, but the seal is black in colour, which means it is of Vijaygarh. This makes it clear that someone stole the royal stamp of Devgarh and sealed this letter in Vijaygarh."

Everyone's eyes widened at this revelation. A few of them palmed their faces, realising how badly Vijaygarh's royal family had framed maharaj Vishwaroop.

"It was never stolen."

Chandralekha bhabhi asserted, coming forward to face her army.

"It was never stolen, my people. I, your princess, had given this to Samrat Yuddhjeet with her own hands because she trusted him."

Her gaze lowered, uttering the last few words.

"And he raped my best friend Sukanya, with his comrade Amar. The poor girl died fighting the battle against those monsters. He gifted me her dead body after executing my father."

She narrated the incidents before everyone. I could feel people sniffing, as if they were trying to control their tears from rolling down their cheeks.

"They not only killed my father, but also maligned his image before everyone."

Bhabhi broke into uncontrollable cries, crouching on the ground. Raghav bhaiya immediately rushed to her. I knelt beside her too to console her.

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