「The Usual..or not?」 -Chap.1

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Authors POV

It was a normal day as always, Hana rushing down the hallways of the big school to reach her first lesson just in time, not wanting to make a bad impression on her first day of school after holidays.

She pushed against many students, shouting apologies without looking back, the string of her bag held tightly in her right hand.
She was just about to reach the door handle when she felt a hard pull on her bag making her fall backwards and onto the floor.

„Watch where you're going", said a very tall boy, his hair black and messily dropping over his eyes making Hana undable to identify the person in front of her.
„B-but, you were the one who pulled me!",Hana said back furiously, stumbling her way up to stand straight again and dust off her jeans.
„Whatever...shorty", the boy said and rolled his eyes before pushing down the door handle of the classroom and entering like nothing happened.

Hana could only watch him enter with a scoff as she rolled her eyes.After taking a deep breath and calming down at least a little she too pushed down the door handle and slowly stepped into the classroom.

Seeing as only one seat is left at the back of the classroom, because she came late, she sighed and reluctantly made her way to the seat, pushing the chair a little so she could sit down.Not caring about whoever was sitting next to her, she took out her notebook and Pencil case.

Finally, after hearing a low scoff from the person beside her she looked up, meeting eyes with none other than the raven haired boy.
„You?!", she said in disbelief, accidentally raising her voice. „Yeah and now shut up.",the boy said kind of coldly, rolling his eyes again.

Hana heard some chuckles from the students in the classroom, being embarrassed as she lowered her head with a slight rosy tint covering her cheeks.

The lesson was going pretty well, the students were all pretty nice to each other except that one raven haired boy.The Teacher was explaining many different things, for example which lessons they had in which classroom.

Hana was writing down everything in her notebook in a very neat and clean way, not minding the very silent boy beside her who only stared at everyone writing into their notebooks.

Suddenly, she felt someone step onto her foot making her yelp. „Ouch!", she accidentally shouted loudly, everyone stopping in their tracks just to turn around and look at her in annoyance.Hana got red again, covering her face in embarrassment before mumbling a little „sorry" to her classmates.

When everyone shrugged it off and went back to their own work, Hana looked to her right side with a glare, already knowing who was the one that stepped onto her foot.

„What is your problem?", she whispered harshly. „Nothing, I was just bored", the boy shrugged like it was nothing and acting all innocent before minding his own business.

A silence developed in the classroom, only a few students whispering here and there. „Now, but seriously, what is your problem? You've been annoying me since this morning.", Hana said, trying to make the boy talk more. „You're annoying me right now.", the boy replied, not caring to look at Hana.

„At least I didn't push someone to the floor just so I could get a better seat", Hana snapped back with a scoff. „At least I didn't push over hundreds of students to the side to rush to my classroom.", Niki said, stepping onto Hana's foot again and making her gasp in surprise.

„Ouch!", Hana said once again, hitting his arm.The rest of the lesson went on with them both bickering around to the point where their classmates had to tell them to shut up over 8 times until the teacher finally dismissed the class.

Hana was on her way to the cafeteria because lunch break had already started.She looked around in the big hall anxiously, trying to find her best friends to tell them what had happened in the lesson.

After a few minutes she finally spotted them and sighed in relief, rushing and making her way to the table.

„Hana! We missed you!", shouted Iseul in excitement, immediately standing up and approaching Hana before pulling her into a bone crashing hug. „Aww, I missed you guys too!",Hana said and hugged her back, Mirae also joining the hug.

The three girls laughed at each other before sitting down. „So? How were y'alls holidays?",Iseul asked excitedly, clapping her hands together and picking up her fork as all of them started eating. „Mine was fine I guess? I didn't really do anything much",Hana answered before chewing onto the sandwich she bought.

„Oh mine was really cool! I went fishing with my grandparents!", Mirae said with a bright grin. „You?!",Hana and Iseul shouted at the same time before looking at each other and laughing. „Yes! So what? Fishing is pretty cool to be honest", Mirae shrugged her shoulders and picked up some rice with a spoon.

„Well, if you say so", Hana said before looking up at Iseul. „And what did you do, Iseul?", Hana asked before chewing on her food again with a knowing grin. „I went to a summer camp...", Iseul grumbled while rolling her eyes, „don't ruin the mood,Hana!", she then exclaimed while Mirae laughed at them.

„And? Were the boys attractive?", Mirae teased while wiggling her eyebrows as Hana and her laughed.Iseul suddenly got all red in her face, blushing as red as a tomato.Mirae and Hana widened their eyes before „ooh"-ing. „So they were handsome?",Mirae teased further, Hana nudging Iseul's side.
„Okay, maybe they were!..or he was...Now stop teasing me and eat up!",Iseul said and rolled her eyes.

Hana and Mirae laughed again at their friend whom teasing was fun.Hana had completely forgotten to tell them about what happened in her first lessons.

Soon enough, the bell rung indicating that the lessons were about to start.Hana was for once not rushing but walking rather slowly, taking her time in finding her way to her new class.Suddenly, someone bumped into her again making her hit her back on to the lockers.

„Ouch!", she yelped, hearing a groan of pain from the person who bumped into her.She held her head before looking up, finally meeting eyes with the raven haired boy from this morning.

Her breath hitched, realizing how close they were. They both stared at each other, none of them moving even an inch.

„Watch where you're going", Hana finally said, pushing the boy off herself and just now realizing that his hand was once on her waist.
„Whatever, shortie", the boy scoffed and fixed his outfit.

„What is even your name?", Hana asked, holding onto the boy's wrist before he could walk off.The boy stared at her for a few seconds before gently removing her grip on his wrist with his own hand.


... „what?",Hana asked.

„My name is Nishimura Riki."

~how was it?

I hope you had fun reading the first Chapter彡

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