Tactical Triumph - Chapter 28

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As the trio strolled through the grassy expanse, a distant call from Nert reached their ears, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"Captain! Leeani! Kazaks! Over here!" Nert's voice echoed through the quiet landscape.

"Hey, NERT! Captain Zach, they're over there!" Kazaks enthusiastically hollered, not minding the volume.

"Shhhh. Quiet down, Kazaks. It's nighttime. We don't want to disturb any nocturnal creatures that might be lurking," Leeani whispered loudly to Kazaks, who walked beside her.

"HAHAHAHA. We're in the middle of a grassland. The only animals I see are bison, elk, foxes, deer, and pronghorns," Kazaks replied with a grin.

"Still, it's nighttime. Just keep it down, you loud brute!" Leeani whispered, trying to maintain a semblance of silence.

Approaching Nert, perched on a tree branch as a lookout, the three were greeted.

"Welcome back, everyone. Ruby'ck has already dozed off in the tent we set up earlier, and Yzavynne is likely beside her, catching some sleep. Jiighual has probably nodded off in the other tent by now," Nert updated them in a relaxed tone.

"Good to know. Did you come across anything noteworthy?" Zach inquired.

"Nothing significant, captain," Nert replied, accompanied by a stifled yawn.

"Excellent. You should get some rest too. I'll take over the lookout duty," Zach suggested.

"No worries, captain. You and the others should catch some sleep. Oh, and I almost forgot to ask – are you all okay?" Nert inquired, displaying genuine concern on his face.

"Yes, fortunately, we're all in good shape. No one sustained any severe injuries during the encounter," Zach assured.

We just flattened them!" Kazaks exclaimed in a not-so-whispered whisper.

"Now you're catching on, you big brute," Leeani replied in a hushed tone, suppressing a chuckle.

"Kazaks, Leeani, it's time to recharge. I'll keep watch here with Nert," Zach directed, his voice carrying the assurance of a leader looking out for his comrades.

Kazaks and Leeani, feeling the fatigue from their recent skirmish, head towards the tent to catch some much-needed rest.

"Sweet dreams, you two," Leeani mumbled drowsily.

"Goodnight!" Kazaks proclaimed with a volume not quite suitable for the serene night.

"Shhhhhh!" Leeani hushed Kazaks, who seemed to have missed the memo about the tranquility of the moment. Chuckling, they both entered the tent, seeking the solace of a peaceful sleep.

Zach settled beneath the same tree where Nert had stationed himself in the branches. A collective yawn escaped Nert's lips as they shared the duty of keeping watch over their comrades. The night unfolded around them, accompanied by the crackling of the campfire, the gentle swish of grass and trees, and the soothing murmur of the nearby river. Time seemed to stretch in the tranquil symphony of nature as they maintained their vigilant post.

An hour slipped by, they remained steadfast in their role as a lookout for their companions.

"Nert, are you still awake?" Zach inquired.

"Yes, captain. I'm still up. What's the matter?" Nert responded, punctuating his words with a yawn.

"I just wanted to express my gratitude, Nert," Zach stated in a composed manner.

"Why the sudden thanks, captain?" Nert inquired.

"Thank you for taking on the role of lookout. I wasn't able to assign it before we left. Your vigilance, looking out for them and ensuring their safety, didn't go unnoticed," Zach conveyed in a serene tone.

"No problem, captain. It's my duty to watch over my comrades afte--," Nert began.

"No, Nert. What I mean is that you ensured their safety not out of duty alone but because of your own volition. If it were just duty, you'd be asleep with them," Zach interjected.

"Captain?" Nert responded, a hint of confusion in his voice.

After a brief pause, Nert spoke again.

"It's because they're my family. I can't bear the thought of any harm befalling them. It might sound selfish, but ensuring their safety is my utmost priority. The pain of losing something precious is unbearable. I believe you understand that sentiment, Captain," Nert shared, his words carrying the weight of genuine concern.

Zach maintained a contemplative silence, absorbing every word that flowed from Nert's lips, each syllable carving a deeper impression on the canvas of his thoughts.

After a brief pause, Nert spoke again, his voice carrying a mixture of sincerity and emotion, "In these times, Captain, bonds are our greatest strength. We're more than just comrades; we're a family. Protecting them isn't just a duty; it's an instinct, a part of who I am. Losing any of them would be like losing a piece of myself, and that's a pain I can't fathom. I'm sure you feel the same way, Captain Zach. Our unity is our resilience in this unpredictable journey."

"So, you perceive them as family," Zach responded in a serene tone, his words pregnant with a depth that resonated with the intricate bonds of camaraderie.

Nert, his gaze reflecting the sincerity of his emotions, replied, "Yes, Captain. In the chaos of our lives, we found comfort in each other. Through shared struggles and triumphs, they became more than just comrades—they became my family. The kind of family you would go to great lengths to protect."

In the wake of their heartfelt exchange, a poignant silence enveloped the air, allowing the weight of their words to settle amidst the serene backdrop of nature's beauty. They sat together, absorbing the quiet magnificence around them, intertwined with the gentle melody of nature's soothing sounds.

 They sat together, absorbing the quiet magnificence around them, intertwined with the gentle melody of nature's soothing sounds

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