Tactical Triumph - Chapter 31

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In the tranquility of the morning, Ruby'ck softly uttered, "Zach?" while holding the fish-on-a-stick that Jiighual gave her earlier. She then found Zach who was sleeping peacefully.

Gazing at Zach in peaceful slumber, Ruby'ck softly uttered his name. Moved by an impulse, she approached him, taking a seat beside the captain under the comforting shade of the tree. The quietude of the morning enveloped them, and Ruby'ck found relief in the serene presence of her leader.

"Zach, you're truly something else," Ruby'ck whispered, her eyes fixed on the captain's face. 

"The way you lead, the strength you exude, it's... inspiring." She continued to observe him with a hint of admiration, appreciating the qualities that made Zach the leader they all looked up to.

Feeling a gentle touch on his shoulder, Zach slowly opened his eyes to find Ruby'ck sitting beside him. Surprised, he greeted her, "Morning, Ruby'ck. Did you sleep well?"

Much to Ruby'ck's surprise, she swiftly rose from her seated position, putting some distance between herself and Zach. "Ye- yes, Zach, I did," she replied, her words stumbling in their haste.

"Hmm? Is everything alright, Ruby'ck? You seem flushed," Zach inquired, concern etched across his features.

With a shy smile, Ruby'ck attempted to downplay her embarrassment, saying, "Oh, it's nothing, Zach. I just... I just find your leadership and strength really inspiring, that's all." She nervously toyed with a strand of her hair, avoiding direct eye contact.

Perplexed by her sudden change in demeanor, Zach chuckled lightly, "Well, I appreciate that, Ruby'ck. It means a lot coming from you. Anything specific on your mind?"

"Oh, it's nothing, Zach. I was just thinking about the beauty of nature and how lucky we are to witness moments like this," Ruby'ck said, trying to divert the conversation with a faint smile.

Zach, still puzzled by Ruby'ck's sudden change of topic, nodded and replied, "Yeah, nature has its way of soothing the soul. It's moments like these that make our journey worthwhile."

Rising from his seated position, Zach responded to Ruby'ck's invitation. "Hey, Zach. I have two fish-on-a-stick here. Do you want some?" Her voice carried a soothing cadence.

"Gladly, Ruby'ck," Zach replied, moving closer to her.

In that moment, Zach paused, his gaze fixed on her. His hand reached out, gently touching Ruby'ck's neck, where a lingering redness still adorned her face."

Ruby'ck, feeling the warmth of Zach's touch on her neck, couldn't help but blush even more. "Zach," she softly uttered, the redness on her cheeks deepening.

Zach leaned in closer, attempting to examine Ruby'ck's face more closely.

"No! Not yet, Zach!" Ruby'ck exclaimed loudly, swiftly swatting his hands away from her neck. Despite her protest, Zach gently held her by the shoulders, pulling her closer.

"Hold still, Ruby'ck," Zach spoke in a calm voice, seemingly unaware of Ruby'ck's abrupt reaction.

As Zach continued to assess Ruby'ck's condition, Ruby'ck couldn't help but make embarrassed, flustered noises and soft protests escaping her lips. Her attempts to conceal her embarrassment only added a touch of awkwardness to the moment.

He continued, "Ruby'ck, you have a fever. I knew it. The redness on your face is a symptom of it."

"Huh?" Ruby'ck responded, putting an end to her unexpected actions and words directed at her captain.

"You're overheating, Ruby'ck," Zach calmly remarked.

Ruby'ck's legs suddenly gave way, causing her to falter, but Zach swiftly reacted, managing to catch her as she flinched.

"Ruby'ck, you're running a fever. The exhaustion and weakness in your body just now are clear signs of it. You really need to take a break and get some rest," Zach advised in a hushed and concerned tone.

"I'm sorry, Zach. I struggled to find sleep last night, and that's why I woke up late this morning. The apprehension of potential danger weighed heavily on my mind, instilling a sense of fear within me," Ruby'ck uttered with a somber tone.

Zach, gently supporting Ruby'ck, responded with genuine concern, "Let's find a place for you to rest. Your well-being is the top priority right now. Let's head back to our camp site."

"Zach, hold on a moment. There's something I need to discuss with you," Ruby'ck said, her voice carrying a mix of urgency and curiosity.

Zach, turning his attention towards her, inquired, "What is it, Ruby'ck?"

"Once we establish a new hideout, Zach, what do you envision for the future? Is safeguarding our lives the sole purpose, or do you harbor aspirations beyond mere protection? I believe there's more to your goals than meets the eye," Ruby'ck inquired, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and a desire to understand the deeper motivations guiding their captain.

Zach took a moment, allowing the weight of Ruby'ck's question to settle in his thoughts. 

After a brief contemplative pause, he responded.

"To be honest, I haven't given it much consideration yet."

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