Chapter 58

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Super special thanks to my favorite people on here who managed to make me smile even during the worst days of my life: sailormusk, ElonMuskFanGirl, BetweenTh3Stars and FanfictionsByCaitlyn <3

It's a pleasure to write for you all, seriously. Thank you for calming me down and letting me rant and bother you with my sadness. Your kind messages mean the world to me and I'll be forever grateful.

If things turn out well, I'll celebrate by updating 10 chapters at once <3

I figured it'd be funny to add a certain topic to today's chapter since E announced he will be streaming tonight lol


As time goes by, Elon and Taylor decide it's officially time to tell his little son X that he is going to have a baby sister. They plan a special night for X, watching his favorite movies and eating pizza while Taylor gives Elon the go-ahead to tell X the big news.

"Hey, buddy, we've got something to tell you," Elon says, getting X's attention.

"What is it?" X asks, looking up at his dad.

"Well, you know how Taylor and I are going to have a baby?" Elon begins, and X nods excitedly. "Well, we found out that it's going to be a little sister for you!"

X's eyes widen in surprise and delight. "Really?" he exclaims.

"Really," Elon confirms, ruffling X's hair. "And you know what that means, right? You're going to be the best big brother ever to her!"

X grins from ear to ear. "I am! I'll protect her and teach her everything!"

Taylor smiles at the two of them, feeling a sense of warmth and love. She knows that Elon will be a wonderful father to their new baby, just as he is to X. And she can't wait to see their family grow and thrive together.

They both smile at X's excitement and explain that having a new baby in the family means they will have to work together and look after her. X nods, determined to be the best big brother he can be.

As the night goes on, they watch more movies and eat more pizza, and X continues jumping around excitedly, happy that he is going to have a little sister.

"He's going to make a great big brother," Taylor whispers.

Elon nods, "I can't wait to see him with his little sister. It's going to be amazing."

Taylor leans her head on Elon's shoulder, feeling content and happy.

She then smiles as X approaches her and the baby bump, curiosity in his eyes. "You can talk to the baby. She's going to love hearing from you," she says, her voice warm.

X grins and places his hand on Taylor's belly. "Hi baby. I'm your big brother, can't wait to meet you," he says, his voice filled with excitement.

Taylor feels a lump form in her throat as she watches the sweet moment between X and her unborn child. She knows that Elon has raised a kind and loving son, and she feels grateful to be a part of their family.

She smiles as she looks down at X, feeling her heart fill with joy at the little boy's innocence. "You can talk to Paris all you want," she says warmly. She bends down slightly so he can reach her belly and gently lifts up her shirt, exposing her growing bump.

X looks up at her with excitement in his eyes before turning his attention to her belly. "Hi Paris!" he says in a high-pitched voice, giggling as he waits for a response.

Taylor can't help but laugh at the adorable sight. "I think Paris likes you too, X," she says, placing a hand on her belly. "She's probably kicking to say hello right now."

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