Backfired/Soul Sucker

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To say that I'm upset is more than an understatement. I only let Rachel suck my cock to see if I could get a reaction out of Megan. I had know idea she would retaliate the way she did, my blood is still boiling from watching that fucking jackass fuck her the way I should be fucking her. I was beyond jealous and furious. I know she is a adult star and her job is to fuck on screen, but something about her fucking this fucking guy felt very personal.

I had asked Linda on the side if it was common for the male actor to cum inside of the female performer, and she told me sometimes. I was told it's called a "creampie"

The only person who should be giving Megan cream pies is me!

She may not know it but she is playing a dangerous game. She is going to mess around and get that fucking guy hurt, by her actions! Of all the places he could have nutted, she chose to have him cum inside her. It seems like me and little Ms. Megan need to have a conversation soon, I just need to wait for the right time.


After my scene with Drago I took a nap. I was later woken up by a knock on my door, I yell "come in" And Lexis comes in smiling hard. I sit up and move my legs under my butt, and pat the seat next to me for her to sit down.

"Bitch! You and Drago did the damn thing it that scene. That is exactly why you and him are two of the top stars in the game! Girl you almost made me wanna rub one out, my cooter is still wet"

Lexis fans herself with her hand as she finishes her statement. I thank her and we chat for a while and she tells me all about the new guy she is dating, and how she is thinking about stopping doing scenes with men, and only doing girl on girl scenes. This is actually something that is very common for female actors to do in our industry when they start dating someone. I personally feel that it is kinda ass backwards, because if a male actor starts dating a female they don't stop fucking female actress.

But lemme stay out of grown folks business. As Lexis keeps going on and on about her new man in her life, Linda walks in and let's me know that I have one more scene for the day with Rico Slanger's little brother, Braun Slanger.

Braun is around the same age as me, and came into the industry about two years ago. He has been making a great name for himself. He also happens to give soul snatching head. 

The last scene I worked on with him he had me crawling up the walls the way he was eating my coochie. I smile and tell Linda I will be ready in twenty minutes, not only did a bitch get fucked today disrespectfully , but Imma about to get my coochie eat disrespectfully too!

I'm now on set and ready to get started. This scene is titled "Hot beef Injection"

I'm playing a doctor who fucks her patient.

Linda once again is directing this scene, and not only is Jameson watching this scene so is Rachel. This bitch had the nerve to sit on Jameson's lap and he had the nerve to let her. He keeps playing with me and if the last scene didn't have him in his feeling baby this one will do it!

Braun is in place sitting on the examination table ready and I'm standing in front of him.

Linda yells "action" And now the fun begins!

(Ya'll already know how I do ...we getting st8 to the fucking!!!)


"Fuck this juicy pussy taste so damn sweet"

Braun groans in my pussy as he eats me out from the back. I moan and grind my pussy on his tongue, Braun has me ass up face down on the examination table and my hands are stretched back opening my pussy and ass for him to eat me out like a straight savage.

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