Covert Expedition - Chapter 36

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Sentinel stood in admiration, absorbing the weight of Ybael's words, finding a trace of sadness in the commander's expression. Concerned, he queried, "What's on your mind, Ybael?"

Ybael, snapping out of his contemplation, wiped away the worry on his face and reassured, "Oh, it's nothing. Have you decided on your meal yet?"

"Not yet. But look over there! Those red meats seem enormous and mouthwatering!" Sentinel exclaimed with infectious enthusiasm, his eyes fixed on a market stall showcasing a variety of red meats.

The duo strolled towards the enticing display, and as they reached the stall, the elderly stallholder initiated the conversation. "Good day, Commander Ybael and young man. Please, take your time selecting from our assortment of meats."

"Absolutely! We will!" Sentinel responded eagerly, driven by the desire for a hearty meal. 

As Sentinel deliberated over the meat choices, Ybael shifted his gaze upward, entranced by the beauty of the sky and the world around him.

"Hey, Ybael! Look," Sentinel exclaimed energetically, drawing Ybael's attention.

"What... You're taking a whole chicken and two huge red meats? You're quite hungry, aren't you," Ybael remarked, a hint of shock evident in his expression at the substantial selection made by Sentinel.

"Well, naturally. We sparred continuously earlier, so these foods will replenish my strength and energy once more," Sentinel declared.

"Alright. Geezer, we'll take this," Ybael informed the elderly proprietor, exchanging four gold coins.

"Thank you, Commander Ybael. Have a good day," expressed the old proprietor as he accepted the coins.

Promptly, the old proprietor packaged the selected meats in plastic wrap. "Here, young man," he offered.

"Thanks," Sentinel replied appreciatively.

As Ybael and Sentinel made their way toward the Royal Citadel, they were warmly greeted by the guards standing vigilant at the imposing iron gate.

"Welcome back, Commander Ybael," the castle guards chorused in unison.

Upon entering the throne room, a scribe by the name of Nura welcomed them formally, maintaining a composed demeanor with a serious undertone.

"Welcome back, King Ybael," she conveyed with utmost respect and formality.

"I've told you before, Nura, don't address me with that title," Ybael admonished, his voice carrying a mixture of familiarity and mild frustration.

"My apologies, Commander Ybael," Nura said, lowering her chin respectfully.

"Hmm. Raise your chin and convey your report," Ybael instructed.

"Commander, two warriors have encountered and engaged the Renaissance rebels. According to their accounts, the rebels were discovered in the southwestern region of our Nation, nestled in the depths of the forest. They precisely pinpointed the location of their hideout—located in a mountainous forest, situated not too far from the site of their confrontation," Nura reported in a composed and formal demeanor.

Her words hung in the air, casting a tense atmosphere in the throne room. The gravity of the situation was palpable as Ybael absorbed the details, contemplating the strategic implications of the rebels' location. The news hinted at a potential turning point in their pursuit, and the weight of the impending decisions rested heavily on the shoulders of the commander.

Continuing her report with a formal tone suited to her role as a scribe, Nura added, "Another update, Commander. The warriors, acting upon the mission you assigned, have conveyed that the Renaissance rebels, in response to their pursuit, resorted to a drastic measure—they set ablaze the entire forest, compelling the pursuing warriors to retreat."

Upon hearing the shocking revelation, Sentinel couldn't help but express his disbelief, murmuring about the monstrous nature of the Renaissance rebels in question.

"Is this the entirety of today's report, Nura?" inquired Ybael, seeking further information and details on the unfolding events.

"Commander, concerning our beloved Kingdom of Drakonium, the overall situation has been gradually improving. There are no alarming developments to report. Our vital resources are making a steady recovery, thanks to the diligent efforts of farmers, ranchers, and agricultural overseers who have been tirelessly toiling in the fields. Weavers and tailors are ensuring a steady supply of clothing. Water carriers have successfully increased the availability of potable water beyond the usual levels. Furthermore, hunters, butchers, and fishermen are contributing substantially to our food supplies. That concludes the report, Commander Ybael," Nura relayed in a formal and comprehensive manner.

"Your insights are reassuring," Ybael remarked with a subdued tone, lowering his chin contemplatively.

"Commander?" Nura inquired.

"Nura, the whereabouts of those two warriors, where are they situated at this very moment?" Ybael inquired.

"Commander, they are presently stationed outside the Royal Citadel, engaged in some activities," Nura responded.

"Fetch them and bring them into my presence," Ybael ordered.

"Understood, Commander," Nura acknowledged.

After a brief passage of time, the two warriors alluded to by Nura eventually made their entrance, escorted by six castle guards who formed a protective backdrop in the vast expanse of the throne room within the Royal Citadel. Standing alongside his towering companion, Ybael, Sentinel couldn't help but comment on the imposing stature of one of the warriors.

"Apologies for the delay, Commander," Nura stated with formality in her voice as she addressed Ybael.

Ybael, acknowledging the apology, turned his attention to the two warriors and issued a directive. "Now, both of you, elucidate the details of the encounter with the Renaissance rebels. Provide a comprehensive account of the events and how the confrontation unfolded."

"Good day, Commander Ybael. I am Sanaage, and accompanying me is Xertu."

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